  • Cerberus Strike
  • This arte involves the character attacking an enemy three times in succession. It originally began as a kicking maneuver, but Yuri Lowell uses his fists rather than his feet for the attack, and then it evolved into a weapon-based move in Tales of Xillia with Leia Rolando, though Jude Mathis uses an unarmed version consisting of both punches and kicks.
  • This arte involves the character attacking an enemy three times in succession. It originally began as a kicking maneuver, but Yuri Lowell uses his fists rather than his feet for the attack, and then it evolved into a weapon-based move in Tales of Xillia with Leia Rolando, though Jude Mathis uses an unarmed version consisting of both punches and kicks. In Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, Regal uses this arte together with White Wolf if he participates in a Unison Attack. In Tales of Vesperia, Yuri can change this arte into the altered arte Cerberus Blast, while with the "Alembic" skill is equipped. The PlayStation 3 version of the game allows Yuri to add in more hits when rapidly hitting the attack button, if he has an axe weapon equipped.