  • Blade Bunny
  • A fantasy/humor Webcomic about Bunny, an assassin-for-hire in a mash-up of feudal Japan and Ancient China. Hired by Lord Farnalan (when his own personal Ninjas failed) to kill the Head Clan of the Asaki Clan. Things go well at first, until Wolf Fang enters the picture. Then things go down to hell, becoming embroiled in a war with spirits? and the journey to found some kind of... pearl?. It's confusing, mainly because the story is told from her point of view and she tends to fall asleep during the long boring speeches. It can be found here. Not to be confused with Blade Kitten.
  • A fantasy/humor Webcomic about Bunny, an assassin-for-hire in a mash-up of feudal Japan and Ancient China. Hired by Lord Farnalan (when his own personal Ninjas failed) to kill the Head Clan of the Asaki Clan. Things go well at first, until Wolf Fang enters the picture. Then things go down to hell, becoming embroiled in a war with spirits? and the journey to found some kind of... pearl?. It's confusing, mainly because the story is told from her point of view and she tends to fall asleep during the long boring speeches. She wears a pair of bunny ears and a fluffy tail on the back of her skirt, oh and no underwear. While it could be considered SFW, it's very heavy in blood and doesn't pull punches in the most brutal deaths. It can be found here. Not to be confused with Blade Kitten. * Action Girl: Bunny herself. * Affably Evil: Bunny, beside her figure and snarkiness, she is pretty much a complete sociopath with no sense of guilt whatsoever. * A Form You Are Comfortable With: Played for laughs when Bunny expresses disgust for being stared at by a big gooey dragon's eyeball that is bigger than she is. The dragon then voluntarily shrinks down small enough to punch out. * Anachronism Stew: This is a setting done in a mash up of Ancient Japan and China, with: Kimonos, Ninjas, Samurais, Daimyos, Onis, Kamis, 4 Great Gods and the Celestial Bureaucracy. It also posses Cyborgs, Automatic weapons, laser beams and leg jets. * Animated Tattoo: Kyoto has one in the shape of a dragon. * Taken to its logical conclusion when she uses it to provide her with wings. * Ascended Meme: Bunny meets the Octobus * Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Bunny. * Becoming the Mask: Bunny says that she's been Bunny instead of herself for so long that she doesn't even remember her name, let alone how to be herself. * Berserk Button: Never, ever tell bunny to shut up. Or imply she is a pet. She doesn't like that. Not one bit. * Breaking the Fourth Wall: From the info page. * Bunny Ears Lawyer: Bunny ears assassin. * Bunny Girl * Captain Obvious: Bunny. * Country Matters: "I wonder what else rhymes with Bunny?" * Comically Missing the Point: * Compliment Backfire: Either averted or was Insult Backfire. * Crippling Overspecialization: Bunny is extremely competent in combat and anything to do with Killing. Outside of it not so much. * She claims her skill set is "Anything involving sharp objects" after demonstrating skill at sewing. * Cyborg: Wolf. Also, the unnamed Bounty Hunter. * Deadly Dodging: Bunny uses this to kill some mooks, then uses it against Wolf to drop a building on his head. * Determinator: Wolf * Deadpan Snarker: All the characters in the series but Bunny seems to had it coded in her DNA. * Death Glare: Holy crap, man. * Didn't Think This Through: Almost quoted word for word here. Leads to a case of Didn't See That Coming. * Dojikko: Either she is the greatest actress in history or she is simply incompetent in any non "Kill everything that moves" situation. * The Dreaded: Ao-lung is the only one so far who can shut up Bunny with a simple glare. * Flawless Victory: Most fights with Bunny ends in No-Holds-Barred Beatdown. It doesn't matter if they are soldiers, Ninjas, Armies or Demons, they all go down fast and hard except against Cyborgs. Two times she had barely be able to survive and the second only thanks to the help of Kyoto. * Foe-Tossing Charge: Wolf doesn't let anything stand in the way of his prey. Not even a Legendary Warrior/Oni/Spirit? in the middle of a Climatic battle of his own. * For the Evulz: Bunny kills a man for four good reasons. It was really funny counts twice. * Godiva Hair: here. * The Gunslinger: Cowboy cyborg, infinite ammo, Bean canon bounty hunter from Ancient Japan Flavor * If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: More of an Student/Daughter relationship but Ao-lung, dragon of the south wind make's pretty clear what would happen to Bunny if anything happens to kyoto. * Innocent Fanservice Girl: It may be an act. * Insistent Terminology: "IT'S BUNNY!!!" * Kimono Fanservice: Kyoto. * Literal Minded: Bunny. * Logic Bomb: Averted repeatedly. * * Also: * * Once more: * MacGuffin: The Pearl, though Bunny doesn't believe it is real. * Magic Skirt: Several images appear to look upward at Bunny when she is, by her own admission, wearing a miniskirt and no underwear. It remains worksafe. * My Name Is Not Durwood: People keep calling her "Hare". * Neck Lift: Wolf to bunny. * Neck Snap: * No Mister Bond I Expect You to Dine: "Free food? Yeah!" * Noodle Incident: Bunny hasn't seen a Zombie Horde but she once saw a Zombie political action comittee who managed to get in the school council so they could improve the student BRAINZZZZ. * Whenever Bunny mentions her Ex. * Obfuscating Stupidity: Bunny can't even work out how to use chopsticks. Until she gets an opening to use them as a weapon. * Oh Crap: Wolf survived having a building dropped on him. * See Didn't Think This Through for another case. * Parental Abandonment: Kyoto * Punched Across the Room: * Naughty Tentacles: * Discussed when Bunny implies that she has encountered them before and doesn't want to again. * Implied again when Bunny explained that she killed something because it was friendly and had tentacles. * Qipao: Bunny wears one in the home of Ao-Lung. * Reckless Gun Usage: Yeah, she is kind of an idiot like that. * She's Got Legs: Her outfit from Kyoto. * Schedule Slip: Of the hardware failure variety. * Super Strength: She is insanely strong, far above even Super Soldiers and warriors but a complete weakling against cyborgs, who toss her around like rag. * Super Reflexes: It comes with being a Ninja * Talking Is a Free Action: Many times, but stopping to taunt your victim's bodyguards with a poem when they have arrows is not really a good idea. * Tempting Fate: Really Bunny, you had to stop underestimating your opponents so much. * Trapped in Another World: Bunny. * Too Much Information: * Why Won't You Die?: Wolf * Vapor Wear: Bunny claims that she isn't wearing underwear in the first storyline.