  • Bumps in the Night
  • Sooty, Sweep, Soo, Scampi, and Richard can't sleep because a big scary storm is keeping them awake. Liana isn't afraid and quite likes storms so she sings a calm and soothing song to try and get them to sleep. Later that night, noises from downstairs wake everyone up again. The gang goes and investigates only to discover that it was only Sweep trying to make a drink of cocoa to help him sleep. Even later that same night, a mysterious figure enter the hotel. Sooty and Sweep think that it's a burglar and after locking the suspect in the office, calls the police. The burglar turns out to be their good friend Dotty who is delivering a coach-load of German tourists who had arrived earlier than expected. Just as the gang are about to go back to bed, the German visitors are awake and ordering bre
guest starring
  • Dotty
  • Brenda Longman as
  • Ben Roberts as
  • Richard Heap and
  • Stefan Escreet as
  • the Germans
  • the Police Officer
Air Date
  • 1999
Episode Name
  • Bumps in the Night
  • Sooty, Sweep, Soo, Scampi, and Richard can't sleep because a big scary storm is keeping them awake. Liana isn't afraid and quite likes storms so she sings a calm and soothing song to try and get them to sleep. Later that night, noises from downstairs wake everyone up again. The gang goes and investigates only to discover that it was only Sweep trying to make a drink of cocoa to help him sleep. Even later that same night, a mysterious figure enter the hotel. Sooty and Sweep think that it's a burglar and after locking the suspect in the office, calls the police. The burglar turns out to be their good friend Dotty who is delivering a coach-load of German tourists who had arrived earlier than expected. Just as the gang are about to go back to bed, the German visitors are awake and ordering breakfast!