  • Peppy Hare
  • Peppy Hare
  • Peppy Hare
  • Peppy Hare is a character from Star Fox, and he is the elder figure of the team. He first appeared in Star Fox for the SNES in 1993. He was originally part of the original Star Fox team along with James McCloud, and Pigma Dengar, until Pigma Dengar betrayed the team, and James McCloud killed by Andross.
  • Peppy Hare was a member of the Star Fox team as well as one of the original three founding members along with James McCloud and Pigma Dengar. He has a daughter Lucy Hare, is the widower of Vivian Hare, as well as the grandfather of an unnamed female hare who will later join Fox McCloud's son on the new Star Fox team.
  • thumb|Trofeo di Peppy Peppy Hare (ペッピー・ヘア Peppī Hea?) è un personaggio dell'Universo di Star Fox. Peppy è una lepre, membro dell'originale Team Star Fox. Grande amico del padre di Fox, James McCloud, venne tradito da Pigma Dengar che consegnò il Team Star Fox ad Andross. Fortunatamente, Peppy riuscì a fuggire e a tornare sul pianeta Corneria. Informò subito Fox di quello che era accaduto, e da quel momento in poi Peppy si prenderà cura di lui facendogli da mentore e da consigliere. In Assault, Peppy si ritira dal ruolo di pilota e ricopre il ruolo di consigliere stando a bordo della nave madre Great Fox. In Command, Peppy viene eletto generale delle truppe di Corneria, dopo che il Generale Pepper andò in pensione. Ha una figlia di nome Lucy, avuta dalla moglie defunta Vivian.
  • Kwobsunit24's old alt. He was deleted because he made Kwobs go to jail because of spam.
  • Peppy Hare (ペッピー・ヘア Peppī Hea) was a member of the Star Fox team. He has made appearances in the Super Smash Bros. games.
  • Peppy Hare (Peppī Hea) is a fictional character in Nintendo's Star Fox franchise. He is a member of the original Star Fox team, with leader James McCloud and wingmate Pigma Dengar. After Pigma's betrayal and James' capture, Peppy narrowly escapes to return to Corneria to inform Fox McCloud of his father's fate. Ever since then, Peppy serves as Fox's mentor and frequently gives Fox instructions and advice throughout the course of the games. Peppy's phrase from Star Fox 64, "Do a barrel roll!", has become infamous on the internet, and is spoken on several internet forums.
  • Peppy Hare is one of the main characters in the Star Fox series. He's an admirable old character who is the only member of the current generation's team Fox who was also a member of the previous one which also consisted of James McCloud (Fox McCloud's father) and Pigma Dengar, who became a traitor and joined Wolf O' Donnell's evil gang. In Star Fox Adventures, his purpose was displaying the world map. In Star Fox Command, it was revealed that in the time after Star Fox Assault, he had been promoted to General to replace General Pepper, who had fallen ill.
  • Peppy Hare (ペッピー・ヘア, Peppī Hea) ist einer der Hauptcharaktere aus Star Fox. Er ist das dienstälteste Mitglied des Star Fox-Teams und bildete früher mit Anführer James McCloud und Pigma Dengar ein Team. Nach Pigmas Verrat und James´ Tod konnte Peppy knapp fliehen und flog nach Corneria zurück, um Fox McCloud über das Schicksal eines Vaters zu berichten. Seitdem ist Peppy Foxs Mentor und gibt ihm regelmäßig Anweisungen und Ratschläge. Laut Star Fox Command hat Peppy eine Tochter namens Lucy und er ist Witwer, da seine Frau Vivian gestorben ist.
  • Star Fox
  • Star Fox 2
  • Star Fox 64
  • Star Fox Command
  • Star Fox: Assault
  • Star Fox Adventures
  • 1,70 M
  • Braun
  • 12
  • Männlich
  • 6
  • #D3D3D3
  • Black
  • Comics
  • Animation
  • Main Games
  • Spin-Off Games
  • Lylat Wars Comic
  • All games
  • Star Fox (Nintendo Power comic)
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee / Brawl / 3DS & Wii U
  • Star Fox Zero: The Battle Begins
  • Star Fox: Farewell, Beloved Falco
  • Brown/Red
  • Brown/Grey
  • Peppy Hare
  • Peppy Hare
  • Character
  • Hare
  • Peppy Hare's artwork from Star Fox Assault.
  • 250
  • 250
  • 250
  • 71.030000
  • Peppy Hare, Star Fox 64
  • #696969
  • 2
  • 7.0
  • Rabbit
  • General
  • SP 1st Class
  • Star Fox team advisor
  • General
  • Pilot
  • B
  • 15
  • Gallery
  • Games
  • General
  • Characteristics
  • Star Fox
  • 250
  • 41
  • Male
  • Hase
  • 250
  • Do a barrel roll!
  • 250
  • 41
Title Color
  • MidnightBlue
  • Braun/Grau
  • Peppy Hare (ペッピー・ヘア, Peppī Hea) ist einer der Hauptcharaktere aus Star Fox. Er ist das dienstälteste Mitglied des Star Fox-Teams und bildete früher mit Anführer James McCloud und Pigma Dengar ein Team. Nach Pigmas Verrat und James´ Tod konnte Peppy knapp fliehen und flog nach Corneria zurück, um Fox McCloud über das Schicksal eines Vaters zu berichten. Seitdem ist Peppy Foxs Mentor und gibt ihm regelmäßig Anweisungen und Ratschläge. Laut Star Fox Command hat Peppy eine Tochter namens Lucy und er ist Witwer, da seine Frau Vivian gestorben ist. Peppy ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes ein "alter Hase". Er ist der einzige Pilot, der noch zur Originalbesetzung vom Star Fox-Team gehörte. Durch seine jahrelange Kampferfahrung hat er für fast alle Situationen Tipps auf Lager, die von den anderen Piloten gerne angenommen werden. Während der Aparoiden-Invasion saß er nicht mehr im Cockpit eines Arwing, sondern nur noch auf der Brücke der Great Fox und hatte dort die Rolle des Einsatzleiters inne. Während des Dritten Lylat-Krieges war er General der Cornerianischen Streitkräfte. Peppy ist ein echter Veteran unter den Piloten und war ein enger Freund von Fox´ verstorbenem Vater James McCloud. Als Offizier der Corneria-Armee ist er bereits seit der Gründung von Star Fox Mitglied des Teams. Dieses verlässt sich in hohem Maße auf seine Intelligenz und seine Erfahrung. Zudem hat Peppy nach James´ Tod die Erziehung von Fox übernommen.
  • Peppy Hare is a character from Star Fox, and he is the elder figure of the team. He first appeared in Star Fox for the SNES in 1993. He was originally part of the original Star Fox team along with James McCloud, and Pigma Dengar, until Pigma Dengar betrayed the team, and James McCloud killed by Andross.
  • Peppy Hare was a member of the Star Fox team as well as one of the original three founding members along with James McCloud and Pigma Dengar. He has a daughter Lucy Hare, is the widower of Vivian Hare, as well as the grandfather of an unnamed female hare who will later join Fox McCloud's son on the new Star Fox team.
  • thumb|Trofeo di Peppy Peppy Hare (ペッピー・ヘア Peppī Hea?) è un personaggio dell'Universo di Star Fox. Peppy è una lepre, membro dell'originale Team Star Fox. Grande amico del padre di Fox, James McCloud, venne tradito da Pigma Dengar che consegnò il Team Star Fox ad Andross. Fortunatamente, Peppy riuscì a fuggire e a tornare sul pianeta Corneria. Informò subito Fox di quello che era accaduto, e da quel momento in poi Peppy si prenderà cura di lui facendogli da mentore e da consigliere. In Assault, Peppy si ritira dal ruolo di pilota e ricopre il ruolo di consigliere stando a bordo della nave madre Great Fox. In Command, Peppy viene eletto generale delle truppe di Corneria, dopo che il Generale Pepper andò in pensione. Ha una figlia di nome Lucy, avuta dalla moglie defunta Vivian.
  • Kwobsunit24's old alt. He was deleted because he made Kwobs go to jail because of spam.
  • Peppy Hare is one of the main characters in the Star Fox series. He's an admirable old character who is the only member of the current generation's team Fox who was also a member of the previous one which also consisted of James McCloud (Fox McCloud's father) and Pigma Dengar, who became a traitor and joined Wolf O' Donnell's evil gang. Currently it can be conclusive that Peppy is the most experienced and knowledgeable of the entire group, often giving all three of his teammates tips. He and his now deceased wife Vivian gave birth to a female bunny named Lucy Hare. In time, Peppy became the new General of the Cornerian army, after the previous one General Pepper becomes sick and presumably retires. In Star Fox Adventures, his purpose was displaying the world map. In the GameCube video game Star Fox Assault, it at first appeared as if the popular character had died while saving his team's lives by crashing a ship into a hoard of enemies (purposefully). However, near the end of the game it was shown that he in fact managed to survive. In Star Fox Command, it was revealed that in the time after Star Fox Assault, he had been promoted to General to replace General Pepper, who had fallen ill.
  • Peppy Hare (Peppī Hea) is a fictional character in Nintendo's Star Fox franchise. He is a member of the original Star Fox team, with leader James McCloud and wingmate Pigma Dengar. After Pigma's betrayal and James' capture, Peppy narrowly escapes to return to Corneria to inform Fox McCloud of his father's fate. Ever since then, Peppy serves as Fox's mentor and frequently gives Fox instructions and advice throughout the course of the games. Peppy's phrase from Star Fox 64, "Do a barrel roll!", has become infamous on the internet, and is spoken on several internet forums. According to Star Fox Command, he has a daughter, Lucy, and is the widower of his wife, Vivian. He eventually retires from flight duty, taking up a post in the Great Fox and eventually made General of the Cornerian army, after Pepper grows ill.
  • Peppy Hare (ペッピー・ヘア Peppī Hea) was a member of the Star Fox team. He has made appearances in the Super Smash Bros. games.
is Former Members of
is Affiliation of
is Leaders of