  • Dr. Alphanumeric
  • He is a villain with a pillow-shaped head. He has a deadly gang of adventurers led by him called the Pillow Clan until he was admitted to L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.. He gave his leadership to Moby F. Deathtz. He then vowed to destroy Perry the Platypus and his host family so that he can rule the world.
  • He is a villain with a pillow-shaped head. He has a deadly gang of adventurers led by him called the Pillow Clan until he was admitted to L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.. He gave his leadership to Moby F. Deathtz. He then vowed to destroy Perry the Platypus and his host family so that he can rule the world.