  • 922 BBY (ASWS)
  • The year 922 before the Battle of Yavin (BBY) was a span of time in the decades following the Ruusan Reformations. Sometime before 922 BBY, the Ophuchi Clan became disorganized and scattered across the Outer Rim Territories. The Clan, created thousands of years earlier on Tatooine by former descendants of the Order of the Jedi Bendu, was reorganized by Ussej Padric Bac, the shaman of the Order of the Whills. Bac appeared before the scattered Ophuchi and led them back to their sanctuary on Tatooine. He also led them to a cave very near the sanctuary where, according to Ophuchi legend, he showed them the truth path they needed to take in order to fulfill the destiny of all Ophuchi.
  • 78
  • 3731
  • Reorganization of the Ophuchi Clan on Tatooine
  • 922
  • The year 922 before the Battle of Yavin (BBY) was a span of time in the decades following the Ruusan Reformations. Sometime before 922 BBY, the Ophuchi Clan became disorganized and scattered across the Outer Rim Territories. The Clan, created thousands of years earlier on Tatooine by former descendants of the Order of the Jedi Bendu, was reorganized by Ussej Padric Bac, the shaman of the Order of the Whills. Bac appeared before the scattered Ophuchi and led them back to their sanctuary on Tatooine. He also led them to a cave very near the sanctuary where, according to Ophuchi legend, he showed them the truth path they needed to take in order to fulfill the destiny of all Ophuchi.