  • Primary assessor
  • Primary assessor was a title given to the senior Romulan assessor of a group of Reman slaves, in turn called a processing segment. On Romulus, the term "assessor" was a known euphemism. The Romulan Virron, himself a primary assessor, described the phrase thus: "In any other language it would mean what it is - slave driver. Overseer. Monster" (TOS novel: Captain's Blood)
  • Primary assessor was a title given to the senior Romulan assessor of a group of Reman slaves, in turn called a processing segment. On Romulus, the term "assessor" was a known euphemism. The Romulan Virron, himself a primary assessor, described the phrase thus: "In any other language it would mean what it is - slave driver. Overseer. Monster" (TOS novel: Captain's Blood)