  • 251
  • 251
  • 251
  • 251
  • Jenny wird nach Julians Kränkung von Axel aufgefangen: Er verwöhnt sie bei einem Candle-Light-Dinner in seiner Wohnung mit Schmeicheleien und Komplimenten. Und so gerät Jennys eigentliche Mission, das Druckmittel gegen Simone in die Hände zu bekommen, in den Hintergrund. Lässt sich Jenny wirklich von Axel verführen? Diana ist getroffen, als Oliver nicht mehr an ihre Gefühle für ihn glauben mag. Sie will Julian fortan die kalte Schulter zeigen. Doch an Tims Krankenbett wird Diana und Julian bewusst, dass es nicht leicht wird, sich aus dem Weg zu gehen. Marian glaubt fälschlicherweise, dass er und Nadja ein Paar sind. Die Enttäuschung ist groß, als Nadja ihm erklärt, dass sie für eine Beziehung nicht bereit ist...
  • El dos cientos cincuentaiuno (251) es el número natural que sigue al 250 y precede al 252. Categoría:Números
  • 251 (linia autobusowa, nocna) łącząca ulicę Litewską z Aleją Piastów. Linia 251, jak wszystkie linie nocne zatrzymuje się przy Dworcu Głównym.
  • Willie escorts Maggie down to the Old House cellar, per Barnabas' instructions. He leaves her alone beside the marital coffins, ignoring her pleas for help. In a last ditch effort, Maggie recovers the spike she dropped in her earlier struggle with Willie; she opens Barnabas' coffin and prepares to stake him... but she loses her nerve and then he wakes and bares his fangs at her.
  • Al. Piastów
  • 251
  • 1967-05-30
  • 247
  • 1967
  • 1967-06-12
  • 251
  • nocna
  • Litewska
  • 251
  • Jenny wird nach Julians Kränkung von Axel aufgefangen: Er verwöhnt sie bei einem Candle-Light-Dinner in seiner Wohnung mit Schmeicheleien und Komplimenten. Und so gerät Jennys eigentliche Mission, das Druckmittel gegen Simone in die Hände zu bekommen, in den Hintergrund. Lässt sich Jenny wirklich von Axel verführen? Diana ist getroffen, als Oliver nicht mehr an ihre Gefühle für ihn glauben mag. Sie will Julian fortan die kalte Schulter zeigen. Doch an Tims Krankenbett wird Diana und Julian bewusst, dass es nicht leicht wird, sich aus dem Weg zu gehen. Marian glaubt fälschlicherweise, dass er und Nadja ein Paar sind. Die Enttäuschung ist groß, als Nadja ihm erklärt, dass sie für eine Beziehung nicht bereit ist...
  • El dos cientos cincuentaiuno (251) es el número natural que sigue al 250 y precede al 252. Categoría:Números
  • Willie escorts Maggie down to the Old House cellar, per Barnabas' instructions. He leaves her alone beside the marital coffins, ignoring her pleas for help. In a last ditch effort, Maggie recovers the spike she dropped in her earlier struggle with Willie; she opens Barnabas' coffin and prepares to stake him... but she loses her nerve and then he wakes and bares his fangs at her. Barnabas has risen from his coffin and retrieves the spike; Maggie backs away from him, terrified. It is clear that she has broken his will, and he is enraged that Maggie not only defied him but also tried to destroy him. Barnabas starts to strangle her. Willie runs downstairs, yelling for Barnabas to stop. He flings himself in front of Maggie, determined to protect her from the vampire's wrath. Willie says he will die protecting Maggie and Barnabas moves to kill him, saying that this is no problem. Willie, seemingly seconds from death, tries to use logic to dissuade Barnabas, saying that everyone wants to speak with him about Maggie's disappearance and they would soon be searching for him as well as Maggie. Barnabas says that he feels everyone else are idiots who can be easily dealt with in any case. He moves to kill Willie and Maggie who is standing behind Willie. At that moment, Willie says "What's that noise" and soon one can hear knocking on the front door upstairs. Barnabas says that, whoever it is, they will go away and moves to proceed in killing Willie. But Willie says "I forgot to lock the front door. Whoever it is will come right in now". Barnabas, in one of the more ironical moments of the whole series, says in all seriousness "I told you to keep that door locked at all times" (Willie would die if he had followed instructions). Barnabas then orders Willie to guard Maggie, and threatens to kill them both if she cries out or attempts to move. It is left unspoken that Barnabas would kill whoever the upstairs visitor would be if that person heard cries for help from below, then come down to finish them both off. Barnabas answers the door. It is Victoria with a message from Elizabeth; Sheriff Patterson has placed a curfew on Collinsport. Barnabas feigns sympathy when he inquires about the search for Maggie. Victoria is certain Maggie is still alive and being held by the "madman" behind all the terrible recent events. Barnabas winces at being referred to, unknowingly by Victoria, as a madman. Downstairs in the cellar, Maggie thanks Willie for saving her life, then goes on to tell him she tried to stake Barnabas in his coffin. Willie is not sure, but he thinks he can prevent Barnabas from harming Maggie. Back upstairs, Victoria notices Josette's music box on a table and Barnabas plays it for her. Victoria is immediately taken with the melody, and she tells Barnabas it reminds her of the past. Barnabas takes note of Victoria's strong reaction--as if she was almost transfixed--to the music. After she returns to Collinwood, Barnabas heads back down to the cellar where a frightened Willie and Maggie wait. Barnabas confronts the pair and he decides that Maggie is no longer worthy of the name Josette. She will die for betraying him; indeed, Barnabas plans to drain her completely of blood and leave her lifeless. Willie, however, shields Maggie and pleads with Barnabas to give Maggie another chance to become Josette. After a moment of hesitation, Barnabas takes Maggie deeper into the cellar and locks her in an old, disused room. Later, Barnabas visits Collinwood and makes up an excuse in an attempt to see Victoria. He has brought Elizabeth a gift as an apology for not visiting more often: an handkerchief that once belonged to Josette. Victoria confesses how much she would appreciate such a gift, and Barnabas learns that Victoria's fascination with the past stems from the fact that she was raised an orphan. He invites her to the Old House and Victoria happily accepts. Meanwhile, Maggie is crying on an old cot in the locked room. Barnabas returns and informs her he has made his decision: he wants to kill her. Maggie screams at him to go ahead. However, Barnabas also wants her for his bride and she must come to him of her own free will--something that Josette never did. He intends to leave her in the locked room until he decides otherwise. Maggie pleads with him, but her pleas fall on deaf ears.
  • 251 (linia autobusowa, nocna) łącząca ulicę Litewską z Aleją Piastów. Linia 251, jak wszystkie linie nocne zatrzymuje się przy Dworcu Głównym.
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