  • Dreadnok (OC template)
  • 6. Standard Dreadnok character stats (to be modified as desired): Feel free to either copy this block into your app and edit accordingly, or just indicate you'd like a Dreadnok, maybe with whatever you'd like to change ("A Dreadnok, but with laser weapons!) and we'll do the rest. =) Please send all applications to This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • 6. Standard Dreadnok character stats (to be modified as desired): Feel free to either copy this block into your app and edit accordingly, or just indicate you'd like a Dreadnok, maybe with whatever you'd like to change ("A Dreadnok, but with laser weapons!) and we'll do the rest. =) Strength: 7 Intelligence 4 Technical 6 Agility: 6 Endurance: 8 Courage: 8 Firepower 4 Dexterity: 7 Leadership 3 Mode Names: Dreadnok Velocity1: 1 Armor1: 2 Size1: 5 Attacks1: Punch (1) Kick (2) Roundhouse (3) Bash (4) Slam (5) Smash (6) Slash (7) Stomp (8) Pistol <3> Laser <4> Ballistic <5> abi1 Advanced_Driver Mechanic Skills: Arguing, Destruction, Drinking, Fighting, Motorcycle Maintenance and Repair Resistances: CHEM:1|MNTL:1 Weaknesses: (None) Please send all applications to This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.