  • Kane's Life of Shadows
  • Kane's father walked into the sleeping Kane's room, in attempt to wake Kane up. "Kane it's time for you to get up, me and mommy have a mission to do." Kane took the cover from over his head, and was hit with a beam of light that shined in his face. "Papa, I think I'm old enough to be able to sleep an extra 5 minutes then get on guard." Kane stated while instantly pulling the covers back over his face. "Besides, I'm the strongest in this family anyway I'd take out the whole army!" He added.
  • Kane's father walked into the sleeping Kane's room, in attempt to wake Kane up. "Kane it's time for you to get up, me and mommy have a mission to do." Kane took the cover from over his head, and was hit with a beam of light that shined in his face. "Papa, I think I'm old enough to be able to sleep an extra 5 minutes then get on guard." Kane stated while instantly pulling the covers back over his face. "Besides, I'm the strongest in this family anyway I'd take out the whole army!" He added. Koma hit himself in the face, "Alright tough guy today I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but if you even think about being in bed any longer than thirty minutes, I'll find out and it wont be good. " Koma threated to his son as he walked out of his room, and his mother walked in. "Kane, be safe at least until I get home." She requested, but Kane didn't want to hear anything but the sound of him counting sheep. Thirty minutes later Kane was up and pressed. He ran into the kitchen, and made himself breakfast. After he finished eating he walked into his parents room, which was a mess. "What in the world happened here, looks like a whirlwind came through here . You know what! I'll clean it up for them and then head out for training." He stated aloud to himself as a commitment. A few hours later and he was done. The room was so clean, you wouldn't even be able to tell that someone had even slept in there. "Ah, now part one of my day is over how about we start part two. " Kane stated complimenting himself on what a great job he had done.