  • Prof. Oak
  • Prof. Oak is some old dude who can't remember his grandson's name. He has his own radio show. He is just a random tree no has heard of him too and they call him that because he wears a lab coat. He appeared in the Pokémon shames as an easter egg. File:Mario head smaller.jpg This thing's a . It doesn't appear in dictionaries, so listen up what a stub is: A very small garbage can, with only a little junk. ADD MORE JUNK TO IT SO IT BECOMES A GIANT GARBAGE CAN!
  • Prof. Oak is some old dude who can't remember his grandson's name. He has his own radio show. He is just a random tree no has heard of him too and they call him that because he wears a lab coat. He appeared in the Pokémon shames as an easter egg. File:Mario head smaller.jpg This thing's a . It doesn't appear in dictionaries, so listen up what a stub is: A very small garbage can, with only a little junk. ADD MORE JUNK TO IT SO IT BECOMES A GIANT GARBAGE CAN!