  • Stickler Grenade
  • The Stickler Grenade is a weapon available in Crackdown 2 through the Toy Box DLC pack. Sticklers behave a lot differantly, being a grenade with lots of Satchels on it. When thrown, Stickler's leave a charge to where they land which detonates afterwards. The grenade can bounce around, causing immense chaos and carnage to whoever may be in the way. These are excellent area clearence with multiple grenades chomping down hordes of Freaks. Sticklers can also stick incoming vehicles with satchels upon contact too.
  • The Stickler Grenade is a weapon available in Crackdown 2 through the Toy Box DLC pack. Sticklers behave a lot differantly, being a grenade with lots of Satchels on it. When thrown, Stickler's leave a charge to where they land which detonates afterwards. The grenade can bounce around, causing immense chaos and carnage to whoever may be in the way. These are excellent area clearence with multiple grenades chomping down hordes of Freaks. Sticklers can also stick incoming vehicles with satchels upon contact too. Take great care with these as due to their bouncy nature, careless Agents can easily send one back to them.