  • Natasha Lee Martin
  • Natasha Lee Martin (b. ?) was born in Providence, RI and has been a professional actress for over twelve years nationwide. Her recent film credits include "Annapolis" (Walt Disney Pictures), "Scared to Death" (Friday Night Productions), and "St. Cecilia" (John Welsh Productions). Natasha has also appeared in television and stage; credits include "Astonishing News", audio series "While Reason Sleeps" (Lion’s Den Studios), stage; "Nicholas Nickleby" (Kate), "Twilight" (La Times Reporter), "Hidden A Gender" (Al/Kate) "Sueno" (Rosara) and many others. Natasha is currently located in Philadelphia. When she is not acting, she enjoys coaching other actors in both private coaching and in production and writing.
  • Natasha Lee Martin (b. ?) was born in Providence, RI and has been a professional actress for over twelve years nationwide. Her recent film credits include "Annapolis" (Walt Disney Pictures), "Scared to Death" (Friday Night Productions), and "St. Cecilia" (John Welsh Productions). Natasha has also appeared in television and stage; credits include "Astonishing News", audio series "While Reason Sleeps" (Lion’s Den Studios), stage; "Nicholas Nickleby" (Kate), "Twilight" (La Times Reporter), "Hidden A Gender" (Al/Kate) "Sueno" (Rosara) and many others. Natasha is currently located in Philadelphia. When she is not acting, she enjoys coaching other actors in both private coaching and in production and writing.