  • Shin No Sējimōdo
  • Shin Sennin Mode is a kekkei genkai that appears commonly yet also randomly among memebers of the Nonguki Clan. Shin No Sējimōdo is recognizable by various things. A person with the Shin No Sējimōdo kekkei genkai will constantly gather and balance natural energy and their regular Sage Mode appearance and boosts become constant. When a person enters Shin Sennin Mode, they gain three features. A dark green chakra aura, the eye shadings run down the face and sometimes down the arms and their 'minus' symbol pupil becomes a 'divide' symbol pupil.
  • No
literal english
  • Sustaining Sage Mode
Debut Manga
  • TBA
viz manga
  • True Sage Mode
Debut Anime
  • TBA
  • Greater Sage Mode, Grand Sage Mode
  • TBA
  • No
  • 真のセージモード
  • Anime, Manga
  • Nonguki
  • Shin No Sējimōdo
  • Shin Sennin Mode is a kekkei genkai that appears commonly yet also randomly among memebers of the Nonguki Clan. Shin No Sējimōdo is recognizable by various things. A person with the Shin No Sējimōdo kekkei genkai will constantly gather and balance natural energy and their regular Sage Mode appearance and boosts become constant. When a person enters Shin Sennin Mode, they gain three features. A dark green chakra aura, the eye shadings run down the face and sometimes down the arms and their 'minus' symbol pupil becomes a 'divide' symbol pupil. The boosts Shin Sennin Mode gives to physical strength, endurance, speed and sensory are massive, an example of this is a person with the Shin Sennin Mode kekkei genkai being able to sense a person's heartbeat from 300 meters away. Shin Sennin Mode seems to tap a small amount into Six Paths Chakra as it allows people in Shin No Sējimōdo whom have access to the five basic elements and Yin-Yang the ability to manifest one Truthseeker orbs, although this will probably never happen due to the rarity of Yin-Yang release.