  • Bert Scurvyburp
  • Bert Scurvyburp is a Pirate Quartermaster NPC at Gnarled Forest's Brig Rock. With Stromling Pirates and Stromling Admirals taking over Brig Rock and Swabbie the Monkey madly firing a pistol, Bert Scurvyburp has taken up a position on a wooden platform near the entrance to Brig Rock. Hearing the commotion, Arrrthur Arrrbuckle sends players to check in with Bert and find out what is going on. Pinned down by Swabbie's gun firing, Bert Scurvyburp sends players to take the pistol away from the monkey.
  • "Hoist yerself up, it's not safe down there!"
  • Bert Scurvyburp is a Pirate Quartermaster NPC at Gnarled Forest's Brig Rock. With Stromling Pirates and Stromling Admirals taking over Brig Rock and Swabbie the Monkey madly firing a pistol, Bert Scurvyburp has taken up a position on a wooden platform near the entrance to Brig Rock. Hearing the commotion, Arrrthur Arrrbuckle sends players to check in with Bert and find out what is going on. Pinned down by Swabbie's gun firing, Bert Scurvyburp sends players to take the pistol away from the monkey. After players succeed, Bert Scurvyburp sends players to smash three of the Stromling Admirals. Then, noticing that the Stromlings are emerging from three large cracks in Brig Rock, Bert tells players to build barricades to block off the cracks and stop the Stromlings from entering Brig Rock.
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