  • The Operator (Multiverse)
  • Neutral
  • Single
  • Time Lord
  • 9.46728E9
  • Unknown
  • Born on the planet of Chronon in the reality of Earth-5680.
  • 250
  • Unknown
  • *Transcendental Genius: One of the most notable of the Operator's ability is unrivaled intelligence. The Operator is shown to possess a mind of to create advance inventions. **Technological Aptitude: The Operator as innate understanding with advance technologies with little to no study ***Superior Technology: The Operator is able to make even more advance technological constructs then his father can. Some of the people even say could create a object with the power to destroy a reality. ***Enhanced Crafting: The Operator is able to craft weapons, armor, items, artifacts, statues etc with nigh-flawlessness. ****Hyper-Inventing: The Operator is able to invent scientifically complex machinery, eletronics, devices, gadgetry and weaponry. ***Mechanical Intuition: The Operator has a innate understanding of mechanics with little to no study. ***Nanite Construction: The Operator is able to create tiny, microscopic robotics to infiltrate anything. ****Nanite Constructs: The Operator can morph the Nanite into virtually anything. ***High-Tech Exoskeleton: The Operator is able to create and utilize a very advance technologically powerful suit of armor. ***Mecha Creation: The Operator is able to make advance mecha's with ease. ***Robotic Creation: The Operator is made to create robots. ****Advance AI Creation: The Operator is capable of making fully self-aware, sentient AI who literally has the emotions and feelings of humans. ***Satellite Generation: The Operator is able to make advance satellites and satellite dishes that can transmit information between planets, and possible between realities. ***Vehicle Creation: The Operator is able to make advance technological vehicles, including starships of great sizes. **Concept Understanding: The Operator's mind is so intelligent, he is able to understand many concepts and aspects in a short time. The Operator was actually able to fully understand space-time continuum, which unlocked the Key to create the Space-Time Core. **Accelerated Thought Process: The Operator can process information at great speeds. **Details Intuition: The Operator can notice, process and understand details of almost any situation no matter how small. **Parallel Processing: The Operator is able to carry out multiple thought process at once. Making the Operator stay ahead of enemies by 4 steps. **Tactical Analyse: The Operator the First Reality War, the Operator is shown to be master in tactics, able to formulate complex strategies against the Omega Androids. **Omnilingualism: The Operator has studied every known language in the Multiverse, and has been able to speak them as if it was the first language he was taught.
  • Mavis
  • John Smith
  • God of Time
  • Secret
  • Arcadia
  • Chrononian
  • *Regeneration: The Operator is able to completely renew his body and be fully healed. At the cost of changing his entire appearance , and personality. The Operator had only regenerated 2 times. *Low-Tier Space-Time Manipulation: As an Time God, the Operator possesses limited manipulation over space-time on a local-scale, and can only use on inanimate objects, including robots. **Pre-Cognition: The Operator can only see the future in the next 1-6 hours. **Retro-cognition: The Operator is able to see into the past of 1-6 hours.
  • *Each of the Operator's incarnations represents 1, 2 or more of emotion of feeling. **The First Operator represents Joy and Happiness. This is always feeling happy to be alive, and to enjoy it to the fullest. **The Second Operator represents Rage and Resentment to the Time Lords after being betrayed. This would soon cause his determination to eradicate his reality counterpart, and start the Reality Wars. **The Third Operator represents Regret, Kindness, Love, Compassion and Happiness. This incarnation regrets causing so many deaths out of any being . Due to this, she wish to make amends, and show great compassion to all living creatures, and show love and wish to make friendships across the Multiverse.
  • Multiverse
  • *Citadel: Despite being an planetary mega-structure, and used to travel across space, time, and perform dimensional travel. The Citadel is also an device that allows the Operator to gain Meta Space-Time Manipulation, allowing the Operator to control the very space-time continuum across the Multiverse. **Nexus: The Operator uses the Nexus to destroy an Reality.
  • Unknown
  • The First Operator making blueprints for inventions.
  • About
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