  • Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22
  • Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 was first published on October 10, 2010. It is the last novel of the epic three-part novel storyline depicting the events of World War III and the grand finale and the last novel of the original novel series. It features the conclusion of the war, the defeat and change of Fiamma of the Right, the defeat of Archangel Gabriel, the defeat and the relief of Mugino Shizuri, the salvation of Last Order and Index, and the dismantling of the Dark Side of Academy City. The novel ends with Kamijou Touma once again "accepting" death, Laura Stuart discovering for certain that Aleister Crowley is alive, and Index looking for Touma.
  • Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 was first published on October 10, 2010. It is the last novel of the epic three-part novel storyline depicting the events of World War III and the grand finale and the last novel of the original novel series. It features the conclusion of the war, the defeat and change of Fiamma of the Right, the defeat of Archangel Gabriel, the defeat and the relief of Mugino Shizuri, the salvation of Last Order and Index, and the dismantling of the Dark Side of Academy City. The novel ends with Kamijou Touma once again "accepting" death, Laura Stuart discovering for certain that Aleister Crowley is alive, and Index looking for Touma. With all the events in the novel, it is considered as the halfway point of the novel to be continued in the next novel series, New Testament.
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