  • Tallfellow Halfling
  • Tallfellow halflings are slightly bigger than their lightfoot cousins. They stand more than half as high as humans, and have athletic builds, fair skin and fair hair. Tallfellows are somewhat rare among halfling folk, generally preferring the company of elves where they are known to exist. They are less athletic than their kin, despite their builds, and share some of the traits of their elf companions. Tallfellows have a longer lifespan due to their Elven heritage:
  • Tallfellow Halfling
  • Halfling
  • Common, Halfling or Common, Elven
  • No
  • 0
  • Tallfellow halflings are slightly bigger than their lightfoot cousins. They stand more than half as high as humans, and have athletic builds, fair skin and fair hair. Tallfellows are somewhat rare among halfling folk, generally preferring the company of elves where they are known to exist. They are less athletic than their kin, despite their builds, and share some of the traits of their elf companions. Tallfellows are more welcoming towards their Elven cousins than they are towards Humans, who are viewed with some suspicion, probably as the result of generations of mistaken identity and bigotry from the Humans. They also share some of the elitism that is common among Elves relative to Humans, often seeing them as poorer examples of life because of their relatively short life spans and the heavy way they live upon the land. The latter cause is probably more likely, because Tallfellows are quite friendly towards regular Halflings, whose life expectancy is only slightly longer than that of a human. Relationships between Tallfellows and Halflings are close, and children are not uncommon; much like in the case of Half-Elves, the offspring almost always favor the Elven heritage through several generations. Beyond the closely-related races, Tallfellows share warmer relations with the Fairy Folk than they do with the others. They hate Orcs, for much the same reasons that the Elves do. Otherwise, they generally prefer shorter folk to taller folk, purely for practical reasons such as not getting stepped on, ridiculed, or ignored. Tallfellows have a longer lifespan due to their Elven heritage: