  • Congressional Census
  • -->-->-->--> The Congressional Census is a data acquisition process mandated by the Congressional Charter for territories under governorship of the Congress of Crystaldeep. Established in 22998 GST in the original and ratified Charter, the census is taken every 5 GY through a series of questionnaires and surveys conducted via government locations, CPS, the TerraNet and door-to-door inquiries. The data is then assimilated into industrial ITs and reporting is then published via TerraNet and in hardcopies that are filed in the Congressional Archive.
  • -->-->-->--> The Congressional Census is a data acquisition process mandated by the Congressional Charter for territories under governorship of the Congress of Crystaldeep. Established in 22998 GST in the original and ratified Charter, the census is taken every 5 GY through a series of questionnaires and surveys conducted via government locations, CPS, the TerraNet and door-to-door inquiries. The data is then assimilated into industrial ITs and reporting is then published via TerraNet and in hardcopies that are filed in the Congressional Archive.