  • List of songs recorded by Larry Norman
  • Larry Norman, the "father of Christian Rock", has released in excess of 100 albums, and written more than 500 songs since 1965, including being recorded by over 300 other artists, including Cliff Richard, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Pat Boone, Petula Clark, The Oakridge Boys, Randy Stonehill, and dcTalk. The following is a sortable table of all songs by recorded by Larry Norman from 1966 to present:
  • Larry Norman, the "father of Christian Rock", has released in excess of 100 albums, and written more than 500 songs since 1965, including being recorded by over 300 other artists, including Cliff Richard, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Pat Boone, Petula Clark, The Oakridge Boys, Randy Stonehill, and dcTalk. The following is a sortable table of all songs by recorded by Larry Norman from 1966 to present: * The column Written lists the date of composition of the song. * The column Song Title lists the usual song title. * The column Writer (s) lists the song's composer(s). * The column Album (s)' lists the album(s) on which the song appears. * The column Released' lists the year of release for album(s). * The column Notes lists additional information about the song. This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.