  • 4294967296
  • 4294967296 is a positive integer equal to \(2^{32} = 2^{2^5}\). It is found commonly in computer science, being the number of different values expressible in 32 bits (an integer). The full name of this number in the short scale is four billion two hundred ninety-four million nine hundred sixty-seven thousand two hundred ninety-six. (In the long scale, the name will be almost same, except with billion replaced by milliard.) This number can also be named googoviji, as it's equal to \(16^{8}\).
  • 4294967296 is a positive integer equal to \(2^{32} = 2^{2^5}\). It is found commonly in computer science, being the number of different values expressible in 32 bits (an integer). The full name of this number in the short scale is four billion two hundred ninety-four million nine hundred sixty-seven thousand two hundred ninety-six. (In the long scale, the name will be almost same, except with billion replaced by milliard.) This number can also be named googoviji, as it's equal to \(16^{8}\). Username5243 calls this number Binary-Gooqnolplex, and it's equal to 2[1]2[1]5 in Username5243's Array Notation.