  • Danielle Lauzon
  • Danielle Lauzon is a freelance writer living in Houston, TX with her two dogs, two cats, and husband. She has written for White Wolf/Onyx Path games lines including, but not limited to, Demon: The Descent, Mage: The Awakening, and The God Machine Chronicle. She works as a lab technician by day, and is an avid gamer, LARPer, and writer at all other times. She enjoys all things sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, and is currently wondering how to fit all three of those genres into the same game.
  • Danielle Lauzon is a freelance writer living in Houston, TX with her two dogs, two cats, and husband. She has written for White Wolf/Onyx Path games lines including, but not limited to, Demon: The Descent, Mage: The Awakening, and The God Machine Chronicle. She works as a lab technician by day, and is an avid gamer, LARPer, and writer at all other times. She enjoys all things sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, and is currently wondering how to fit all three of those genres into the same game.