  • The Best of the Simpsons 41
  • The Best of The Simpsons #41, is an issue of a range of Simpsons comics exclusive to The U.K. The issue was released in Halloween 2007, For the price of £2.99. This issue had stories from the American comic book Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror #6 (2002). This issue was a Treehouse of Horror Special. It was in The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Fun Filled Frightfest. It had four stories.... * Hell-o-ween * Metamorphsimpsons * Young Frinkenstein * From Duffs Till Dawn
  • The Best of The Simpsons #41, is an issue of a range of Simpsons comics exclusive to The U.K. The issue was released in Halloween 2007, For the price of £2.99. This issue had stories from the American comic book Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror #6 (2002). This issue was a Treehouse of Horror Special. It was in The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Fun Filled Frightfest. It had four stories.... * Hell-o-ween * Metamorphsimpsons * Young Frinkenstein * From Duffs Till Dawn
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