  • Nicholas Brody
  • Nicholas "Nick" Brody is the antagonist of the American television/drama thriller series Homeland. He was portrayed by Damian Lewis. Brody is a USMC Sergeant who is held as a prisoner of war by al-Qaeda terrorists for eight years along with partner Thomas Walker. Brody is rescued by Delta Force troops, and hailed as a war hero on his return to his country, but CIA officer Carrie Mathison discovers that Brody is working with al-Qaeda against his own country. In Season 2, Brody becomes a Congressman and VP Candidate and become futrgive in season finale
  • The series' pilot episode establishes that Brody is a platoon sergeant in the United States Marine Corps who is present during the opening stages of the Iraq War. On May 19, 2003, both Brody and his partner, Scout Sniper Thomas Walker, were captured near the border of Syria by forces loyal to Saddam Hussein. The two men sold to al-Qaeda commander Abu Nazir (Navid Negahban), who transported them to Damascus and held them captive for the following eight years. Brody's guards tortured him and left him in complete isolation for years, but Nazir treated him with kindness in order to gain his trust. Brody converted to Islam while in captivity. Under Nazir's direction, Brody severely beat Walker, believing he had killed him.
type of villain
  • Anti-Hero, Hero Turned to the Dark Side
  • To betrayed his own country.
  • Homeland
  • Guns, fighting skills
  • Jessica Brody
  • Nicholas Brody
  • "Pilot"
  • Nick
  • Brody
  • Sergeant Brody
  • Unknown
  • Chris Brody
  • Dana Brody
  • Nicholas Brody
  • 300
  • The series' pilot episode establishes that Brody is a platoon sergeant in the United States Marine Corps who is present during the opening stages of the Iraq War. On May 19, 2003, both Brody and his partner, Scout Sniper Thomas Walker, were captured near the border of Syria by forces loyal to Saddam Hussein. The two men sold to al-Qaeda commander Abu Nazir (Navid Negahban), who transported them to Damascus and held them captive for the following eight years. Brody's guards tortured him and left him in complete isolation for years, but Nazir treated him with kindness in order to gain his trust. Brody converted to Islam while in captivity. Under Nazir's direction, Brody severely beat Walker, believing he had killed him. The episode "Crossfire" reveals that Nazir ended Brody's torture in 2008 and brought him into his home, asking him to teach his son Issa English. Brody soon grew to love the boy as his own son. In 2009, however, Issa was killed in a drone strike while attending school. Brody helped Nazir bury his son and joined him in reciting an Islamic prayer over the child's grave. Shortly thereafter, Brody watched a television appearance by Vice President William Walden (Jamey Sheridan), who falsely claimed that no children were killed in the drone strike. Outraged, Brody swore revenge on Walden and agreed to kill him in a suicide attack.
  • Nicholas "Nick" Brody is the antagonist of the American television/drama thriller series Homeland. He was portrayed by Damian Lewis. Brody is a USMC Sergeant who is held as a prisoner of war by al-Qaeda terrorists for eight years along with partner Thomas Walker. Brody is rescued by Delta Force troops, and hailed as a war hero on his return to his country, but CIA officer Carrie Mathison discovers that Brody is working with al-Qaeda against his own country. In Season 2, Brody becomes a Congressman and VP Candidate and become futrgive in season finale In season 3 Brody cuts all ties with Al-Quieda is found and agrees to work with the CIA on one last mission, to assassinate the new terrorist leader in Iran. Brosy succeeds in his mission and kills his target, but is betrayed and left to be taken into custody by the Iranian Police, he is soon after sentanced to death. Carrie, now his CIA handler and lover, attempts to find a way to free him from his predicament, Brody however declines and resigns himslef to his fate. Eventually Brody is executed by public hanging, with a tearful Carrie watching in the distance. Carrie attempts to convince the current CIA director to give Brody a star on the CIA memorial wall, but she is unsucessful. She instead draws a star for him herself out of respect for his unknown sacrifice and her love for him.