  • Pebble Beach
  • Pebble Beach
  • Pebble Beach is a city in the state of California in Fredonia of northern Vespuciland. Rocks and pebbles in Spielburg reminded the Hero of Pebble Beach.
  • Pebble Beach ist ein Golfplatz in Kalifornien in den USA auf der Erde. 2377 fordert der Doktor das Hologramm Reginald Barclay zu einer Partie Golf auf Pebble Beach heraus. Dieser lehnt jedoch ab, weil Seven of Nine ihm angeblich Kadis-kot beibringen will. (VOY: )
  • Pebble Beach was a golf course on Earth. The holodeck of the USS Voyager was capable of recreating the golf course. The Doctor asked the holographic version of Reginald Barclay to join him in a friendly game; however, his offer was refused. (VOY: "Inside Man") The Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 130) described Pebble Beach as a city in California.
  • Pebble Beach is a city in the state of California in Fredonia of northern Vespuciland. Rocks and pebbles in Spielburg reminded the Hero of Pebble Beach.
  • Pebble Beach ist ein Golfplatz in Kalifornien in den USA auf der Erde. 2377 fordert der Doktor das Hologramm Reginald Barclay zu einer Partie Golf auf Pebble Beach heraus. Dieser lehnt jedoch ab, weil Seven of Nine ihm angeblich Kadis-kot beibringen will. (VOY: )
  • Pebble Beach was a golf course on Earth. The holodeck of the USS Voyager was capable of recreating the golf course. The Doctor asked the holographic version of Reginald Barclay to join him in a friendly game; however, his offer was refused. (VOY: "Inside Man") The Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 130) described Pebble Beach as a city in California.
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