  • Shoes of Shame
  • The Shoes of Shame were shoes that Drew Tanaka, the former head counselor of the Aphrodite cabin, would make her fellow cabin-mates and half-siblings wear as a punishment for disobeying her orders or doing something wrong. They sat on a black shelf mounted in the corner of the room like an altar. When Piper McLean took control of the cabin, the shoes were abolished, along with a lot of Drew’s other rules.
  • The Shoes of Shame were shoes that Drew Tanaka, the former head counselor of the Aphrodite cabin, would make her fellow cabin-mates and half-siblings wear as a punishment for disobeying her orders or doing something wrong. They sat on a black shelf mounted in the corner of the room like an altar. When Piper McLean took control of the cabin, the shoes were abolished, along with a lot of Drew’s other rules.