  • Meteor Freaks
  • Meteor Freaks, also occasionally known as Freaks of the Week, are minor supervillains who are created through exposure to Kryptonite, as from the Smallville Meteor Shower. They are the most frequent villains of Clark Kent in the television series Smallville, although some villains fitting the description appear in the comics as well.
  • Meteor Freaks, also occasionally known as Freaks of the Week, are minor supervillains who are created through exposure to Kryptonite, as from the Smallville Meteor Shower. They are the most frequent villains of Clark Kent in the television series Smallville, although some villains fitting the description appear in the comics as well. Also quite frequently, they are high school students who become insane or evil once their powers manifest and use their abilities for murder, theft or otherwise just to look cool. These villians are nuissances to Clark, whose Kryptonian metabolism is often vulnerable to the Kryptonite absorbed in their bodies.