  • Keldification
  • Keldification was a term that was used to describe a process of cultural and political change, in which someone or something which wasn't a Keldevian becomes one, voluntary or involuntary. Most commonly used with locations that were previously conquered, these places were renamed, rebuilt, reoccupied and repopulated. Personal Keldification was used for different population and was aligned with the Keldevians. They occurred though language and local assimilation to strengthen their notions from the Ancient Eras.
  • Keldification was a term that was used to describe a process of cultural and political change, in which someone or something which wasn't a Keldevian becomes one, voluntary or involuntary. Most commonly used with locations that were previously conquered, these places were renamed, rebuilt, reoccupied and repopulated. Personal Keldification was used for different population and was aligned with the Keldevians. They occurred though language and local assimilation to strengthen their notions from the Ancient Eras.