  • Sye'lla Massive Spatial Army
  • The Sye'lla Massive Spatial Army was created by the United Nations during the Interplanetary War of the mid-twenty-second century. After the S.M.S.A victory, overpopulation on Shadow Moon became a major issue in the early twenty-second century. The issue was resolved by colonizing and constructing vast cities on other planets in the Orion Arm of the galaxy, the Inner colonies and later, the Outer colonies.
  • The Sye'lla Massive Spatial Army was created by the United Nations during the Interplanetary War of the mid-twenty-second century. After the S.M.S.A victory, overpopulation on Shadow Moon became a major issue in the early twenty-second century. The issue was resolved by colonizing and constructing vast cities on other planets in the Orion Arm of the galaxy, the Inner colonies and later, the Outer colonies.
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