  • What could go wrong?
  • From: [[]] A Forward-thinking Extortionist is testing the merits of the velocipede as an escape vehicle. He has an experiment for you to perform. You are to knock a copper's helmet off and then pedal like blazes. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • You'll never take me alive!
Failure title
  • Ha ha..aaargh!
  • 69
Failure description
  • [...] Consider the following sequence of events: You knocked his helmet into the gutter. You mounted your velocipede at a run and started pedalling. He threw his truncheon between your spokes. You went through a chandler's window. [...]
From Card/Storylet title
  • The marvellous contrivance
Success description
  • [...]You lash your foot out from your lofty perch and topple his helmet into the gutter. [...] He gives chase, and you pace yourself carefully, allowing him to stay with you. He gives up after more than a mile, red-faced and clutching his chest.[...]
  • A Forward-thinking Extortionist is testing the merits of the velocipede as an escape vehicle. He has an experiment for you to perform. You are to knock a copper's helmet off and then pedal like blazes.
  • From: [[]] A Forward-thinking Extortionist is testing the merits of the velocipede as an escape vehicle. He has an experiment for you to perform. You are to knock a copper's helmet off and then pedal like blazes. [Find the rest of the story at ]