  • Oi, Ladies!
  • Oi, Ladies! is the third race in The Getaway: Black Monday. The player takes control of Sam Thompson. In order to unlock this race the player must have collected 1 key ring. The time to beat is 02:03:51. All the other racers in this race are female characters as suggested by the race title. The title of the race relates to a quote used by Munroe in the first mission of the game, Tuesday. He uses the phrase to interrupt an argument between Paul Evans and Jack Harvey.
  • Oi, Ladies! is the third race in The Getaway: Black Monday. The player takes control of Sam Thompson. In order to unlock this race the player must have collected 1 key ring. The time to beat is 02:03:51. All the other racers in this race are female characters as suggested by the race title. The title of the race relates to a quote used by Munroe in the first mission of the game, Tuesday. He uses the phrase to interrupt an argument between Paul Evans and Jack Harvey.