  • Ultimate Boss
  • Ultimate Bosses are enemies that appear as completely optional bosses with powerful capabilities. What sets them apart from other optional bosses are the fact that they are the absolute, strongest enemies in the games they appear in, often requiring amazing levels of power and extensive strategies to defeat. Ultimate Bosses are typically hidden, have certain conditions, and are always in the end game, if not during a second cycle or new game plus. Some even require that several other optional bosses be defeated first in order to reach them.
  • Name: Ultimate Boss HP: 1.62125 Oc Attacks; Laser, Damage: 2 Qa-5 Qa, Range Infinite, AGI: 0-0 Green Laser.png Sword, Damage: 1 Qu-1.625 Qu, Range 55, AGI 15-20 Head: *unique* Body: *unique* Want to know what these mean? Then go here!: Short Numbers SR2
  • Ultimate Bosses are enemies that appear as completely optional bosses with powerful capabilities. What sets them apart from other optional bosses are the fact that they are the absolute, strongest enemies in the games they appear in, often requiring amazing levels of power and extensive strategies to defeat. Ultimate Bosses are typically hidden, have certain conditions, and are always in the end game, if not during a second cycle or new game plus. Some even require that several other optional bosses be defeated first in order to reach them.
  • Name: Ultimate Boss HP: 1.62125 Oc Attacks; Laser, Damage: 2 Qa-5 Qa, Range Infinite, AGI: 0-0 Green Laser.png Sword, Damage: 1 Qu-1.625 Qu, Range 55, AGI 15-20 Head: *unique* Body: *unique* Want to know what these mean? Then go here!: Short Numbers SR2