  • 493
  • 493
  • 493
  • El cuatrocientos noventa y tres (493) es el número natural que sigue al 492 y precede al 494. Categoría:Números
  • Maximilian und Celine genießen ihr heimliches Glück - trotz Lena Warnung. Constantin wird Zeuge der fatalen Entwicklung und stellt Maxmilian eine Falle. Ingo verhindert, dass Annette in Sachen Outfittipps von Simone über den Tisch gezogen wird. Diana bestärkt Annette, die Chance ihres Lebens zu ergreifen. Als Annette Prioritäten setzt, stößt sie damit aber Ingo empfindlich vor den Kopf. Roman ringt mit sich: Soll er Deniz helfen, obwohl er sich selbst damit in Gefahr bringt? Doch schließlich befreit er Deniz aus Bulle Gewalt. Deniz bedankt sich auf seine Weise. Roman versucht, die Annäherung zu Deniz betont locker zu nehmen, doch sein Herz steht erneut in Flammen...
  • Barnabas, Julia and Willie watch as Adam starts to recover from his sleep at the Old House. Barnabas muses how gentle Adam looks asleep. Julia warns Barnabas to stand away as Adam wakes, as there is no telling what he will do. Willie nervously smokes in front of Adam, who, curious, grabs the cigarette. The cigarette burns his fingers and in a panic, Adam knocks Willie down and leaves out the door and up the steps. Julia tells Willie they must go find Barnabas before anything happens. Willie is frightened, but Julia insists.
  • 493
  • 1968-05-09
  • 487
  • 1968
  • 1968-05-15
  • 493
  • El cuatrocientos noventa y tres (493) es el número natural que sigue al 492 y precede al 494. Categoría:Números
  • Maximilian und Celine genießen ihr heimliches Glück - trotz Lena Warnung. Constantin wird Zeuge der fatalen Entwicklung und stellt Maxmilian eine Falle. Ingo verhindert, dass Annette in Sachen Outfittipps von Simone über den Tisch gezogen wird. Diana bestärkt Annette, die Chance ihres Lebens zu ergreifen. Als Annette Prioritäten setzt, stößt sie damit aber Ingo empfindlich vor den Kopf. Roman ringt mit sich: Soll er Deniz helfen, obwohl er sich selbst damit in Gefahr bringt? Doch schließlich befreit er Deniz aus Bulle Gewalt. Deniz bedankt sich auf seine Weise. Roman versucht, die Annäherung zu Deniz betont locker zu nehmen, doch sein Herz steht erneut in Flammen...
  • Barnabas, Julia and Willie watch as Adam starts to recover from his sleep at the Old House. Barnabas muses how gentle Adam looks asleep. Julia warns Barnabas to stand away as Adam wakes, as there is no telling what he will do. Willie is concerned that Barnabas and Julia seem so afraid of Adam. Barnabas tells him that Adam is harmless if he is treated a certain way. One just has to show no fear. Adam would sense the fear, and might strike out. Barnabas tells Willie he must also never do anything that would cause Adam pain. As Adam wakes, Barnabas and Julia introduce Willie to Adam. Julia suggests to Willie that he teach Adam something, as that will make Adam like him. Willie remarks that he doesn't know anything that can keep Adam occupied, it is Barnabas that Adam likes and Barnabas has a calming effect on Adam. Barnabas shakes Adam's hand. Julia and Barnabas leave Willie with Adam. Willie nervously smokes in front of Adam, who, curious, grabs the cigarette. The cigarette burns his fingers and in a panic, Adam knocks Willie down and leaves out the door and up the steps. Mrs. Johnson goes to the drawing room and is startled by Julia being there, first thinking it was David. She does not want to find David. Julia realizes that Mrs. Johnson has had the dream and that David was the beckoner. She tells Mrs. Johnson to go to her room and not see David. Julia doesn't want to hear about the dream, being more afraid. Julia tells Mrs. Johnson she must never tell David and advises her to leave Collinwood. Mrs. Johnson tells her she has nowhere to go. Julia claims this is life or death for David. Willie excitedly comes in, but tries to act calm when he sees Mrs. Johnson. Julia convinces her to go to her room and tells her she will see her soon. Willie tells Julia that Adam has escaped, and he doesn't know where he is. Julia tells Willie they must go find Barnabas before anything happens. Willie is frightened, but Julia insists. Adam has made his way to the Collinwood terrace, and becomes fascinated by the fountain. He drinks some of the water, and then sees his reflection in the water, and he lashes out at it. Mrs. Johnson, hearing the noise, goes out to the terrace and sees Adam, and screams, causing Adam to run away. Barnabas, Julia, and Willie come running. Mrs. Johnson tells them she saw a monster. As Barnabas and Willie pursue Adam, Julia remains behind with a worried Mrs. Johnson. Julia tries to calm her by telling her it was just a stranger who wandered onto the ground or a vagrant. Mrs. Johnson claims what she saw was more like an animal. Julia brings up that Johnson should leave Collinwood and she recommends going to visit her sister in Boston that she has talked about a number of times. Mrs. Johnson tells her she will leave. Julia is relieved. Barnabas and Willie find Adam; the former leads Adam away by the hand. Later, back at Collinwood, Barnabas reports to Julia that Adam is back in the Old House basement, and he drank the medicine Julia left, and has fallen asleep. Barnabas also says he has applied a restraint: a chain around Adam’s left ankle. Adam realizes his predicament.
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