  • Oskar Benson
  • Oskar Benson was the founder of Scandinavian´s revered Benson Chocolatiers. Oskar Benson was a man of tradition. Upon learning of his son´s engagement to a woman well below his station, Oskar turned his back on Nils, cutting him from the family inheritance. Leaving Norway, with his pregnant wife, Elli, Nils established a new life in the U.S., joining the U.S. Marine Corps in December of 1941. Sadly, however, Nils Benson lost his life on Omaha Beach just a few short years later.
  • Norway
  • Chocolatier
  • Oskar Benson
  • Male
  • Oskar Benson was the founder of Scandinavian´s revered Benson Chocolatiers. Oskar Benson was a man of tradition. Upon learning of his son´s engagement to a woman well below his station, Oskar turned his back on Nils, cutting him from the family inheritance. Leaving Norway, with his pregnant wife, Elli, Nils established a new life in the U.S., joining the U.S. Marine Corps in December of 1941. Sadly, however, Nils Benson lost his life on Omaha Beach just a few short years later. It was not until years later that Nils' son M. David Benson contacted Oskar, a man he barely knew, Benson was devastated to learn Benson Chocolatiers had gone under, the brand sold to a British candy manufacturer. However, Oskar Benson had a surprise for his grandson. Having missed out on his childhood, hoping only to reconnect after so many regretful years, Oskar Benson offered his grandson the most valuable of family secrets: the original, secret recipe for Benson Milk Chocolate.
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