  • You're a complicated person...
  • From: [[]] Let her have the cab. Pick her pocket on the way past. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A gummy smile and a 'thank you, my dear'
Failure title
  • A gummy smile that disappears abruptly
  • 20
Failure description
  • 'Thief!' she bellows. Old or not, there's quite a pair of lungs on to her. You fade into the shadows as the police-whistles begin to blow.
From Card/Storylet title
  • An elderly lady has hailed the hansom cab you wanted!
Success description
  • She hoists herself into the cab. She's quite spry, actually. Have you been bilked? Never mind. She is old. And it is cold. And you've pocketed a string of cheap moon-pearls. The cab rattles off into the darkness.
  • Let her have the cab. Pick her pocket on the way past.
  • From: [[]] Let her have the cab. Pick her pocket on the way past. [Find the rest of the story at ]