  • Heroes United Universe
  • The Heroes United Universe is an animated universe seen in the films Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United and the upcoming Iron Man & Captain America: Heroes United. Adrian Pasdar will voice Iron Man in both videos and both will feature the same animation as well as locations. The producers did suggest that Iron Man & Hulk could take place between the live action films The Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron putting it in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Though the events of Iron Man 3 and this make that unlikely.
  • Heroes United Universe
  • no
  • The Heroes United Universe is an animated universe seen in the films Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United and the upcoming Iron Man & Captain America: Heroes United. Adrian Pasdar will voice Iron Man in both videos and both will feature the same animation as well as locations. The producers did suggest that Iron Man & Hulk could take place between the live action films The Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron putting it in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Though the events of Iron Man 3 and this make that unlikely. This is the second animated universe to be seen exclusively in film following the Ultimate Avengers Universe seen in Ultimate Avengers and Ultimate Avengers II.