  • Do a Lap!/Plot Details
  • Nibbling Gramsters
  • You found a new Power-up!
  • By the way-- don't be afraid to group up with other folks you see down in the sewers! If things get rough, there's always strength in numbers.
  • You twist the sewer pipe handle closed. The next checkpoint in the lap appears on your PDA.
  • About as much sense as anything makes these days. So, yeah, that's the basic idea: use your rings to get G'hi powers, charge your powers up by staying social. Pretty simple, really.
  • Could you do a quick lap around the sewers and give the shut-off valves a twist to make sure they're closed? If they're not sealed tight, things start overflowing and it makes an unholy mess down here.
  • Here's the manhole key. I'm sure you noticed the ladders while you were doing your lap. Just climb up one of those, and you'll pop out right in the middle of Barton Town.
  • Have you learned anything else about rings?
  • I get it.
  • See you around, [name]! Good luck out there.
  • Congrats! You closed all the sewer pipes and completed the lap! Now head back to Barry!
  • When you get out to Barton Town, look for a guard named Elizabeth. She's got more experience with rings than almost anyone, and she can tell you all about this weird place called the Null Chamber. You'll definitely need to know about that before you can take full advantage of your rings.
  • Maybe we should keep that between you and me. You know, for... security reasons. So, changing the subject entirely: Looks like Dani's taught you well. Mind if I ask a small favor?
  • If you run out, you can always buy more from Nicolae. He runs Back Alley Bargains in Barton Town, and he's got all sorts of useful stuff.
  • Either I'm crazy, or I'm getting special powers from these rings. Maybe both. Funny thing is, the powers seem to fade away when I'm away from other people for too long.
  • Here's my theory: these rings have some kind of special life energy. We've been calling it 'G'hi.' Using your rings gives you special G'hi-based abilities, but you can only power up these abilities by being around other people.
  • Good luck! When you come back, I'll give you the manhole cover key so you can climb right up the ladders into Barton Town.
  • I wouldn't call it 'research,' but I've been playing around with them. These things are really interesting-- it seems like the longer you use them, the more 'attuned' they get to your body.
  • If you wander off alone for too long, you might not be able to use your G'hi powers, but you won't lose them. You just need to go find some people -- join a crew, mingle in Barton, whatever -- and your G'hi energy will charge back up.
  • I'm not sure how it works, but it's the oddest thing... after I took a few trips out into the sewers to hunt Gramsters with Dani, I started feeling healthier. Y'know: stronger, faster, more agile.
  • Well done, [name]. Seems like you can really handle yourself out there -- pretty amazing how quick Dani whipped you into shape.
  • I suppose when you're around other people, you must be sharing some kind of life force.
  • Dani and I got you a little going-away present, too: a stack of these Superchargers, which can heal you up a little when you get into a tight spot. If you're too exhausted to use a healing ring, they're your best bet.
  • You climb up the long ladder and emerge into the sunshine.
  • The first valve is right inside the sewer entrance, and I'll program the quickest route on your PDA map. Just head to each valve in turn and crank it shut tightly. That's all there is to it!
  • Barry
  • notice
  • powerup
  • Finding Elizabeth
  • Barry