  • Digital Forensic Agent
  • A Digital Forensics Agent (DFA) is an ICE special agent trained to perform forensic examinations of seized digital storage devices, such as computer hard drives, flash drives, PDAs, mobile phones, DVDs, CDs and tape media. CFAs use all available digital evidence recovery techniques to preserve the item’s authenticity and integrity while maintaining a strict chain of custody.
  • A Digital Forensics Agent (DFA) is an ICE special agent trained to perform forensic examinations of seized digital storage devices, such as computer hard drives, flash drives, PDAs, mobile phones, DVDs, CDs and tape media. CFAs use all available digital evidence recovery techniques to preserve the item’s authenticity and integrity while maintaining a strict chain of custody. CFAs are located in ICE field offices throughout the world to provide expertise on investigative strategies and to assist case agents in preparing search warrants targeting digital evidence. CFAs are also called upon to furnish expert computer forensic testimony in criminal trials and to provide support to state and local law enforcement.