  • Shadowy Supplier
  • Class Race Skill Tree Type Cast Time Channel Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost Level Unlocked Morph One Morph Two Morphed From Shadowy Supplier is a Passive Skill in the Dark Brotherhood skill line. This allows the Vestige to interact with Remains-Silent, who will provide them with Sithis' Touch equipment, potions and poisons, or an item to aid them in crime. Only one of the three choices of items can be obtained every 20 hours.
Skill Tree
  • A contact from the Brotherhood provides beneficial items once per day. This contact is located in Outlaw Refuges, the Gold Coast Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, and the Hew's Bane Thieves Den.
Level Unlocked
  • 4
  • Class Race Skill Tree Type Cast Time Channel Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost Level Unlocked Morph One Morph Two Morphed From Shadowy Supplier is a Passive Skill in the Dark Brotherhood skill line. This allows the Vestige to interact with Remains-Silent, who will provide them with Sithis' Touch equipment, potions and poisons, or an item to aid them in crime. Only one of the three choices of items can be obtained every 20 hours.