  • Heroes (TV series)/Miscellaneous/Headscratchers
  • It just freaking bugs the hell out of me. Okay, I can take the Willing Suspension of Disbelief to a certain point. Claire has a genetic mutation that lets her regenerate her cells quickly. Great, she has an accelerated cell cycle and clotting mechanisms. Charlie has a mutation that gives her an enhanced memory. Fine. Memory is a function of the brain. That mechanic in Montana has super-hearing - maybe the structure of her inner ears is different than normal. Okay, fine. These are all things that are part of the human body, and thus controlled by DNA. Fine. But what DNA actually does; its actual role in the cell, is to be a blueprint for the production of proteins. Willing Suspension of Disbelief, okay. Maybe Matt can read minds because he's extra sensitive to the natural electrical output
  • It just freaking bugs the hell out of me. Okay, I can take the Willing Suspension of Disbelief to a certain point. Claire has a genetic mutation that lets her regenerate her cells quickly. Great, she has an accelerated cell cycle and clotting mechanisms. Charlie has a mutation that gives her an enhanced memory. Fine. Memory is a function of the brain. That mechanic in Montana has super-hearing - maybe the structure of her inner ears is different than normal. Okay, fine. These are all things that are part of the human body, and thus controlled by DNA. Fine. But what DNA actually does; its actual role in the cell, is to be a blueprint for the production of proteins. Willing Suspension of Disbelief, okay. Maybe Matt can read minds because he's extra sensitive to the natural electrical output of brains or something, and he has a special or altered protein that allows him to do this. I can buy that. But HOW is a protein going to give you the power of flight? What kind of protein allows a person to stop time? And would someone please explain to me Peter Petrelli's power? Apparently his DNA is psychic, since it can tell what other people's genetic mutations are from a distance, and adjust itself accordingly? ARRRRGH!! And Nikki/Jessica, HOW ON EARTH IS THAT A GENETIC MUTATION? * Dude. This isn't a plot point, it's the entire premise. If you can't Mantra your way through that, maybe you should just watch another show. * I can Mantra my way through, it just bugs me. And hey, this is the "It Just Bugs Me" page, isn't it? I like the rest of the show. * Sorry mate, it's just (and I imagine the previous poster thought the same) your post looks a little bit long for "Hey, here's something that slightly irritates me". Chalk it up to "Too much scientific knowledge ruins television" >;~) * Yeah, sorry for my li'l misinterpretation. And just-slightly-Above Troper, we do actually have a trope for that. Dan Browned. XD * Although, I do have a little Fan Wank about Niki/Jessica in particular. Let's suppose that the proteins of her muscle structure are super-dense, and that's what causes super-strength. However, to avoid Does Not Know His Own Strength, Niki instinctively learned to be gentle with things, and thus bring her strength down to a basic human level. Since she developed these instincts probably before she learned to walk, she easily could have forgotten all about it by adulthood. Jessica, however, being made up of a bunch of other stuff repressed to the subconscious level, still remembers, and can thus subvert the gentleness reflex and hit as hard as she likes. * Especially since it's established in the Season 1 finale that Niki does have super strength when she's still herself, and it was her own mental block that was preventing it. It's Niki, not Jessica, that beats up Candice, and smacks Sylar with the parking meter. * I can live with the 'DNA-mutations make you superhuman'-thing, but what breaks my Suspension of Disbelief is that you could find everyone with mutated DNA through statistical analisys of data from the Human Genome project. How in earth would that have to work? Lame Hand Wave if you ask me..