  • Little Chicago
  • It is described as a scaled model of the of the city covering almost two miles from Burnham Harbor in every direction. It is about eight feet long and a foot high. It is a meticulously detailed and accurate in its representations of everything, and is thaumaturgically connected to the city via pieces of real buildings, trees, etc. that have been placed on it. It is possible for him to be sensed while in spirit form. Also, Harry is not in touch with his body when he enters Little Chicago, and cannot tell when he is becoming exhausted. He cannot cross thresholds.
  • It is described as a scaled model of the of the city covering almost two miles from Burnham Harbor in every direction. It is about eight feet long and a foot high. It is a meticulously detailed and accurate in its representations of everything, and is thaumaturgically connected to the city via pieces of real buildings, trees, etc. that have been placed on it. He also included miniature versions of the ley lines going through the city. It is used by him for various magical purposes. In some ways, the model can be used like a focus, assisting tracking spells. But it also allows a sort of remote viewing where the user is spiritually placed in the actual city. He is able to move around, track people, and listen to conversations, but is unable to physically affect the city in any considerable way. After using it, Harry is usually exhausted. It is possible for him to be sensed while in spirit form. Also, Harry is not in touch with his body when he enters Little Chicago, and cannot tell when he is becoming exhausted. He cannot cross thresholds. The model can also protect the user from a psychic backlash: when the necromancer Cowl discovered that he was being spied upon, the backlash he created burned a hole through the model instead of Harry's head. Harry mentions that he uses jeweler's tools to adjust the model.