  • Battle With Lightning Lion (version 2)
  • Lightning Lion was wreaking havoc in Angel Grove Park! The Kakurangers, the Hana Rangers, Guardian Warriors, Dragon Ninjas, Sailor Moon, the Sailor Scouts, Tuxedo Mask, FalconMan, StarGirl, JaguarGirl, the Beetleborgs and Shadow Borg battled Lightning Lion, but they needed help! So Zordon and Alpha 5 summoned the Power Rangers to the Command Center! The Rangers saw what was going on in Angel Grove Park and they morphed into action! The Power Rangers said “We need Thunder MegaFalconzord power, now!” Thunder MegaFalconzord swooped into action! Thunder MegaFalconzord battled Lightning Lion! With a swing of the mighty Zord’s sword, Lightning Lion was destroyed! Angel Grove was safe once more! Thanks, Rangers!
  • Lightning Lion was wreaking havoc in Angel Grove Park! The Kakurangers, the Hana Rangers, Guardian Warriors, Dragon Ninjas, Sailor Moon, the Sailor Scouts, Tuxedo Mask, FalconMan, StarGirl, JaguarGirl, the Beetleborgs and Shadow Borg battled Lightning Lion, but they needed help! So Zordon and Alpha 5 summoned the Power Rangers to the Command Center! The Rangers saw what was going on in Angel Grove Park and they morphed into action! The Power Rangers said “We need Thunder MegaFalconzord power, now!” Thunder MegaFalconzord swooped into action! Thunder MegaFalconzord battled Lightning Lion! With a swing of the mighty Zord’s sword, Lightning Lion was destroyed! Angel Grove was safe once more! Thanks, Rangers!