  • Epilogue (FTAaS)
  • The first light of the new day started to shine through in the Axe and Scottman Inn welcoming in the new day. Seb wiped the tears from his cheeks. It looked like Liz was doing the same. They both clearly appreciated a happy ending. The large red haired man, Big Jack smiled as the story had come to an end. “That will be morning. It will only be a few hours before we will be getting some deliveries. I need to get some shut eye” He started shaking the old man Ron to wake him who was still sleeping with his head on the bar. Snoring away. Seb started laughing. Big Jack let out a huge belly laugh.
  • Fable: The Axe and Scottman
  • Epilogue
  • Epilogue
  • Bonus Chapter The Decision
  • The first light of the new day started to shine through in the Axe and Scottman Inn welcoming in the new day. Seb wiped the tears from his cheeks. It looked like Liz was doing the same. They both clearly appreciated a happy ending. The large red haired man, Big Jack smiled as the story had come to an end. “That will be morning. It will only be a few hours before we will be getting some deliveries. I need to get some shut eye” He started shaking the old man Ron to wake him who was still sleeping with his head on the bar. Snoring away. “Yeah…. I think I will need a few hours before the day starts.” Liz said jumping down off the stool. Seb started laughing. “You still didn’t tell me how you got your axe! I am not moving from this stool until you tell me Big Jack.” Seb crossed his arms whilst wiping the sleep out of his eyes. Big Jack let out a huge belly laugh. “What? You haven’t worked it out yet?....Go on what’s your Theory?” Seb paused. “Okay….actually I have worked it out” “Please tell us young man….a last bit of entertainment before I sleep.” Liz said jokingly. “Okay….you are not Kingsley. But you are his Size…..Emily his wife had Red hair….which you do…..therefore…..The baby in Emily’s tummy at the end of the story is you Big Jack…..Your father Kingsley gave you that ask like you said at the start… were given it…..” Big Jack Grinned whilst he continued to shake Ron who was starting to wake. “Nearly……Sebastian. I was given the axe by Kingsley…except he wasn’t my father.” Seb was sure he was right and now was utterly confused again. “You see Seb. Kingsley Scott was…..My Uncle.” Seb remained silent. “My Cousin…. Kingsley and Emily’s daughter couldn’t wield the axe. She didn’t have the strength. I do though.” Ron finally awoke on the bar and looked about. “Morning? Had too much to drink…Oh hi Lou. Where did you come from?” He said to the old woman. Seb turned to face Liz Big Jacks mother. “But that most mean that…..” the realisation dawned on Seb. “Yes….I am Lousia Scott Seb. Liz for short. Kingsley was my brother. ” Seb was stunned. “But…but you don’t have Red Hair like your son…..” “I know I don’t……but Bishop did….” Seb’s mouth must have been open due to the revelation. “Come on Seb close your mouth and get a few hours sleep. I will make you breakfast in a few hours.” As they all left the bar to go get some sleep, big Jack locked the door to the inn and put up the sign. The sign read.
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