  • Vodranite
  • The Vodranites have one hazel eye on a single eyestalk, much like dianogas. They have two anterior flipper-like appendages, along with a long and flexible tail. They possess a wide open mouth at the base of their eyestalk, with several sharp teeth surrounding it. On each side of their mouths grows a small appendage. Their skin is a reddish-brown color, and they have black stripes on their back. They have enhanced adrenal glands that allow for short bursts of amazing strength.
  • The Vodranites have one hazel eye on a single eyestalk, much like dianogas. They have two anterior flipper-like appendages, along with a long and flexible tail. They possess a wide open mouth at the base of their eyestalk, with several sharp teeth surrounding it. On each side of their mouths grows a small appendage. Their skin is a reddish-brown color, and they have black stripes on their back. They have enhanced adrenal glands that allow for short bursts of amazing strength.