  • Crystal Mapping (deleted 18 Aug 2008 at 17:47)
  • A crystal map is a diagram that enables information to be organised radially to facilitate clarity, contextual thinking and the presentation of information in a unified manner. In allows users to communicate potentially complex information in a simple diagram that shows how different aspects of the same topic are related and linked by line of sight to the core or central idea or theme. Crystal maps are based on the idea of the circle being the universal symbol of unity and can therefore help to communicate how the whole is comprised of its constituent parts.
  • A crystal map is a diagram that enables information to be organised radially to facilitate clarity, contextual thinking and the presentation of information in a unified manner. In allows users to communicate potentially complex information in a simple diagram that shows how different aspects of the same topic are related and linked by line of sight to the core or central idea or theme. Crystal maps are based on the idea of the circle being the universal symbol of unity and can therefore help to communicate how the whole is comprised of its constituent parts. Crystal Maps can help to structure any type of information and help with learning, studying, presenting and problem solving. They are similar to mind maps in that they provide a conceptual and contextual framework for representing data and content but differ due to the nature of the finished maps being always a three levels deep structured circle with links to greater detail. They can be drwn 'rough hand' but greater benefit is gained by utilising the approach through software. The term was first used in Mark Wogan's book, Crystal Mapping - The Bigger Picture which included contributions from academics (Professors John Thompson and Martin Clarke of Huddersfield and Leeds universities respectively) and practitioners in business and military fields.