  • Delegating faction sympathy
  • Here's a helpful guide for brokering Faction Points. To begin with, the minimum requirements for selling faction points are: * Underworld IV: Connections. * Be special forces. * Be near a faction recruiter or NPC with high enough rank that it will let you talk with it. High ranking NPCs will give you the same options as a faction recruiter. The process goes as follows: How many points you lose in the transfer is based on your rank within your faction. The higher your rank, the better the ratio. The best you'll get is at Colonel: 1.177:1.
  • Here's a helpful guide for brokering Faction Points. To begin with, the minimum requirements for selling faction points are: * Underworld IV: Connections. * Be special forces. * Be near a faction recruiter or NPC with high enough rank that it will let you talk with it. High ranking NPCs will give you the same options as a faction recruiter. The process goes as follows: * Converse with the recruiter or NPC. * Choose "I would like to make a donation to your cause." * Choose "I will transfer 100000 credits." * Repeat Steps 1-3 until you reach your FP cap for your current rank (120k for Colonels), or until your reach the number of points necessary to fill your client's order. * /delegatefactionpoints [client] [amount of FP]. [client] would be the name of the person you're selling to. Example: /delegatefactionpoints Dreven 10000 or /del Dreven 10000. How many points you lose in the transfer is based on your rank within your faction. The higher your rank, the better the ratio. The best you'll get is at Colonel: 1.177:1. Here's a list of faction ranks along with their corresponding ratio: