  • 98
  • 98
  • 98
  • 98
  • 98
  • 98
  • See 85.
  • #98 is the ninety-eighth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • El noventa y ocho (98) es el número natural que sigue al noventa y siete y precede al noventa y nueve. Categoría:Números
  • 98 - liczba naturalna.
  • Number 98 was an item on The List
  • 98 (ninety-eight) is a positive integer following 97 and preceding 99. Its ordinal form is written "ninety-eighth" or 98th.
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 98.
  • This is the 98th episode in the game, and the ninth episode of the 90s column.
  • Während Diana nach der Einnahme des Aufputschmittels ahnungslos weitertrainiert, verabreicht Jenny ihr eine weitere Dosis. Diana fühlt sich schnell besser und läuft sensationell. Jenny kann nun zufrieden ihren nächsten Schritt angehen: Sie erstattet eine anonyme Dopinganzeige beim Eislaufkomitee. Ben, Vanessa und Tim erfahren Näheres über den kommenden Wettstreit: Auch als sie erfahren, dass der Wettstreit eine riskante Mutprobe ist, wollen sie dennoch nicht kneifen. Eine fatale Entscheidung! Nadja und Ben geraten wegen Vanessa in Streit, in dessen Verlauf Nadja erkennen muss, dass Ben in seine Halbschwester verliebt ist. Als sie bei dem Versuch, ihrem Sohn seine Gefühle für Vanessa auszureden, scheitert, wendet sie sich in ihrer Not an Richard und macht ihm klar, dass sie nicht länger sch
  • Matthew questions Elizabeth's resolve to hire Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Johnson moves in to the third room on the right at the top of the stairs and promises to keep her lips sealed beyond her duties. Elizabeth cautions Mrs. Johnson that David and Roger may not accept her initially. She also reminds her that parts of the house are closed off; Mrs. Johnson confirms that these parts are the basement and the "East" Wing. Elizabeth tells her that she will never have any reason to go into the basement. David begins to torment her. David is rude to Mrs. Johnson and Elizabeth learns that he and Mrs. Johnson had a run-in involving Burke (79). Elizabeth orders David not to frighten her with tales of ghosts, but David claims that the ghosts will make themselves known, that he won't have to.
  • 376.750000
  • 98
  • DStitle.jpg
  • 1.400000
  • 1966-10-28
  • 98
  • 1967
  • Complete
  • 2
  • Episode 98
  • 1966-11-09
Character Name
  • Dark Nisei
  • List Number 98
  • 8
  • 97
  • 97.0
  • 98
  • 99
  • 99.0
  • Told Dodge and Earl Jr. we would have a father son day at Mystery Fun Land and didn't take them
  • green
  • 98
  • 98
  • See 85.
  • #98 is the ninety-eighth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • El noventa y ocho (98) es el número natural que sigue al noventa y siete y precede al noventa y nueve. Categoría:Números
  • Matthew questions Elizabeth's resolve to hire Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Johnson moves in to the third room on the right at the top of the stairs and promises to keep her lips sealed beyond her duties. Elizabeth cautions Mrs. Johnson that David and Roger may not accept her initially. She also reminds her that parts of the house are closed off; Mrs. Johnson confirms that these parts are the basement and the "East" Wing. Elizabeth tells her that she will never have any reason to go into the basement. David begins to torment her. David is rude to Mrs. Johnson and Elizabeth learns that he and Mrs. Johnson had a run-in involving Burke (79). Elizabeth orders David not to frighten her with tales of ghosts, but David claims that the ghosts will make themselves known, that he won't have to. David tells Matthew he might like Mrs. Johnson since his best friend [Burke] likes her. Mrs. Johnson makes David a ham sandwich and serves it to him in the drawing room on a tray, in an obvious effort to curry favor. She asks him about his crystal ball, then they chat about secrets; she had secret places as a child in old abandoned houses. He tells her about the "East" Wing, and the basement, and ghosts. Matthew overhears the talk of secret rooms and sends David into the kitchen to finish lunch, claiming he was making a mess. Mrs. Johnson claims Matthew made the mess when he was cleaning the fireplace earlier, and he confronts Mrs. Johnson, who claims she was just making conversation. Matthew forcefully warns Mrs. Johnson that she'll be sorry if she continues asking questions. Later, Matthew tattles to Elizabeth, who initially reacts strongly when he says Mrs. Johnson was asking about the basement, but then writes the situation off, apparently believing that Matthew is jealous of Mrs. Johnson. She states that "everyone is curioius about this house, it would be strange if she weren't." At 3 AM, Mrs. Johnson goes to the basement and pries around the locked room. During her prying, she is startled by David, who has been hiding in a crate. He threatens to tell Elizabeth about Mrs. Johnson's snooping. She claims to have heard a noise, a perfect alibi. David claims he's downstairs looking for a ghost he saw in his Crystal Ball. David says he won't tell Elizabeth because Mrs. Johnson is a friend of Burke's. Mrs. Johnson claims to dislike Burke and reiterates her belief that Burke is responsible for Malloy's death. David rationalizes that because Burke didn't get mad, Mrs. Johnson must not have meant it. He correctly deduces that she is spying for Burke and tells her that Burke's out to get Roger, and David wants Burke to do so. He offers her a bargain; she refuses, or does she? She sends him to bed despite his not having seen the ghost yet. Alone again in the basement, Mrs. Johnson hears sobbing, which stops when she raps on the locked door.
  • 98 - liczba naturalna.
  • Number 98 was an item on The List
  • 98 (ninety-eight) is a positive integer following 97 and preceding 99. Its ordinal form is written "ninety-eighth" or 98th.
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 98.
  • This is the 98th episode in the game, and the ninth episode of the 90s column.
  • Während Diana nach der Einnahme des Aufputschmittels ahnungslos weitertrainiert, verabreicht Jenny ihr eine weitere Dosis. Diana fühlt sich schnell besser und läuft sensationell. Jenny kann nun zufrieden ihren nächsten Schritt angehen: Sie erstattet eine anonyme Dopinganzeige beim Eislaufkomitee. Ben, Vanessa und Tim erfahren Näheres über den kommenden Wettstreit: Auch als sie erfahren, dass der Wettstreit eine riskante Mutprobe ist, wollen sie dennoch nicht kneifen. Eine fatale Entscheidung! Nadja und Ben geraten wegen Vanessa in Streit, in dessen Verlauf Nadja erkennen muss, dass Ben in seine Halbschwester verliebt ist. Als sie bei dem Versuch, ihrem Sohn seine Gefühle für Vanessa auszureden, scheitert, wendet sie sich in ihrer Not an Richard und macht ihm klar, dass sie nicht länger schweigen können: Ben muss wissen, dass Richard sein Vater und somit Vanessa seine Schwester ist.
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