  • North American Cold War
  • The North American Cold War is an ongoing global silent conflict between the Union of Everett and the United States, consisting of a series of unofficial armed and unarmed conflicts throughout several foreign sovereign nations, U.S. territories and foreign bases and direct conflict on Saudi Arabian and Qatari soil. Conflict began on April 10, 2013 following the Union of Everett releasing an official report during a Security Alliance announcement regarding the Iraqistani ISNL chemical weapons incident. The Union of Everett blamed the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre on the United States government as an act of state sponsored terrorism, followed by allegations that the United States had provided chemical weapons illegally to the Islamist Syrian Nationalist Liberation to generate a fals
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  • --04-10
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  • (Top Left: U.S. interstate checkpoints in St. Louis, MO; Top Right: The Grove Hotel in England burns following a massive explosion during the 2013 Bilderberg Meeting; Middle: U.S. Department of Homeland Security vehicle forefront to crowds of anti-government and pro-jobs protesters; Bottom: Boston, Massachusetts is bombed by U.S. CIA operatives during the Boston Marathon in an act of terrorism.)
  • (Third tier belligerents were not at any point officially involved in the war, but locations in which armed conflict and black operations espionage took place against the first and second tier belligerents.)
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  • North America; United States of America; South America; Middle East; Asia Minor; Far East Asia
  • North American Cold War
  • The North American Cold War is an ongoing global silent conflict between the Union of Everett and the United States, consisting of a series of unofficial armed and unarmed conflicts throughout several foreign sovereign nations, U.S. territories and foreign bases and direct conflict on Saudi Arabian and Qatari soil. Conflict began on April 10, 2013 following the Union of Everett releasing an official report during a Security Alliance announcement regarding the Iraqistani ISNL chemical weapons incident. The Union of Everett blamed the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre on the United States government as an act of state sponsored terrorism, followed by allegations that the United States had provided chemical weapons illegally to the Islamist Syrian Nationalist Liberation to generate a false flag attack on Iraqistan, validating a war between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia against Iraqistan. For 18 months, both silent and open armed conflict exploded throughout the world, with Everetti and Security Alliance allies targeting U.S. forces and military facilities in key locations around the world, as well as direct armed conflict and declaration of war against Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Qatar by Iraqistan, followed by declarations from the Israelis and Everettis. Although technically at war, the United States and Everett never engaged in full combat on each others' mainland territories in North America, but instead relations dropped to how the United States and the Soviet Union engaged each other in cold war conflict during the Cold War in the 1950s to the 1990s.
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