  • Theodore Andrew Groves
  • Groves.jpg 250px-Groves.jpg Navy_Treasure_Fleet_Emblem.jpg Guild:British King Navy Level in game:8 Gender Male Ethnic group English Eye color Brown Hair color Brown (white wig) screenshot_2011-05-27_22-25-43.jpg|Theodore in his normaly clothes Groves.jpg|Andrew in his uniform screenshot_2011-05-27_22-25-58.jpg|Groves and Blackbeard sword Height 6' 0" Born 1710s[1] Died 1750, at the Fountain of Youth by the Spanish Title(s) Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant (formerly) File:250px-Groves.jpg
  • Groves.jpg 250px-Groves.jpg Navy_Treasure_Fleet_Emblem.jpg Guild:British King Navy Level in game:8 Gender Male Ethnic group English Eye color Brown Hair color Brown (white wig) screenshot_2011-05-27_22-25-43.jpg|Theodore in his normaly clothes Groves.jpg|Andrew in his uniform screenshot_2011-05-27_22-25-58.jpg|Groves and Blackbeard sword Height 6' 0" Born 1710s[1] Died 1750, at the Fountain of Youth by the Spanish Title(s) Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant (formerly) File:250px-Groves.jpg