  • Ikkaku Madarame
  • Ikkaku Madarame
  • Ikkaku Madarame
  • Ikkaku Madarame
  • Ikkaku Madarame
  • Ikkaku Madarame
  • Ikkaku Madarame, never far from an unfolding scene of combat and chaos, is one of The Silvana's premiere fighters, nearly matchless in terms of overall destructive power. Battle is the first thing on his mind in any situation; the bloodier, the better. He has no mind for the politics that the ship's captain often pursues, instead leaving the strategy to the strategists. __TOC__
  • Ikkaku Madarame (斑目 一角, Madarame Ikkaku ?) es el Teniente de la 11ª división al mando de Kenpachi Zaraki. A su vez es un gran amigo de Yumichika Ayasegawa, a quien conociera en el Rukongai años atrás junto a Yachiru Kusajishi y a su Capitán. Es oficialmente el primer Shinigami a quien Ichigo enfrenta en la serie cuando éste se disponía a rescatar a Rukia de su sentencia de muerte en la Sociedad de Almas.
  • Ikkaku Madarame (斑目一角, Madarame Ikkaku) to wicekapitan i były żołnierz 3. rangi w 11. Oddziale w Gotei 13. Jego kapitanem jest Kenpachi Zaraki.
  • Ikkaku Madarame (斑目 一角, Madarame Ikkaku) ist der Vizekommandant der 11. Kompanie unter der Leitung von Kenpachi Zaraki.
  • Ikkaku Madarame (斑目 一角, Madarame Ikkaku) is the lieutenant and former 3rd Seat officer in the 11th Division of the Gotei 13, under Captain Kenpachi Zaraki.
  • thumb|leftIkkaku Madarame je třetí člen 11. jednotky a jeho velitel je Kenpachi Zaraki. Ikkaku je plešatý a když mu to někdo řekne, velmi se rozzlobí. Sám o sobě říká, že jeho hlava je "vyholená", i když sám velmi dobře ví, že není. Na toto téma je velmi citlivý a každého, kdo to vzpomene, chce zbít. Od jeho hlavy se odráží světlo a dokonce se jednou stalo, že si ji členové 8. jednotky spletli s měsícem. Přes prsa má jizvu od Ichiga a červené značky při očích. Je o něm známo, že nenosí ponožky.
  • Ikkaku Madarame (斑目 一角), il cui nome vuol dire "Il Primo tra i Piantagrane" è uno dei personaggi della serie manga e anime Bleach di Tito Squadro, e più precisamente è l'Ufficiale di 3° Seggio dell'Undicesima Divisione del Gotei 13, sotto il comando della macchina da guerra umana Kenpachi Zaraki, di cui è stato il primo proselito e di cui è tuttora un fedelissimo.
japoński głos
  • Nobuyuki Hiyama
hiszpański głos
  • José Javier Serrano
  • Óscar Flores
  • 182.0
  • Mężczyzna
  • Wicekapitan 11. Oddziału
Bazy operacyjne
  • 11
  • Wicekapitan 11. Oddziału
Debut Manga
angielski głos
  • Vic Mignogna
  • Richard Cansino
  • Ep363 Ikkaku2.png
  • Ryūmon Hōzukimaru
  • Ryūmon Hōzukimaru
Debiut w mandze
Grupo Sanguíneo
  • A
Debiut w anime
Debut Anime
  • 76.0
  • 斑目 一角
  • ?
debiut w grze wideo
  • Archivo:18px-Bandera España svg.png José Javier Serrano
  • Archivo:18px-Bandera Mexico svg.png Óscar Flores
  • Hōzukimaru
  • Hōzukimaru
  • --11-09
  • #000000
  • 9
  • #FF0000
  • Colvus
  • Ikkaku Madarame
  • Pirate Hunter
  • 25
  • Ikkaku Madarame
  • WHO'S NEXT!?
  • #0000FF
  • Teniente de la 11ª División
  • 2.300000
  • 76.0
  • 3
  • Lieutenant of the 11th Division
  • 15
  • Image Gallery
  • Overview
  • Battles & Events
  • 1,82 m
  • ? - Obecnie
  • ? - Present
  • Actualmente=250px
  • The Silvana
  • Male
  • Human
  • Seaman
  • #000000
  • Masculino
  • Vohemar
poprzedni zawód
  • Żołnierz 3. rangi 11. Oddziału
You may use this section to link to important logs, comment threads, etc.
Copy and paste your character's personality section here.
  • Ikkaku is, first and foremost, a fighter. He fights for fun, and hardly a day goes by that he does not try to stir up trouble. To cross swords with a strong opponent is what he lives for, and were he to die for this as well, he would simply be satisfied. He constantly seeks out combat and recklessly goes after the strongest enemies first, despite the situation. In such cases, he hates receiving assistance, preferring to go it alone until he simply cannot continue. Ikkaku also has a personal disdain for using offensive or defensive magic in battle, considering it rather cowardly to use against opponents.
Copy and paste your character's history section here.
  • The son of one of Colvus' most 'decorated' militia members, Ikkaku Madarame grew up watching his father dedicate his life in proud service to the people of the city. He was a strong warrior, unflinching in battle, and just as reckless as his son would ever grow to be in his own career. Against the ever-present threat of attack from Vohemar's more monstrous residents, he would immerse himself in every fight that erupted, and throughout Ikkaku's childhood, he would return home afterwards, wounded but smiling, and relate the tale of his latest victory to his admiring son. Ikkaku learned everything from his father, developing his sense of loyalty from the disdain his father showed for the greedy and remorseless mercenaries often hired by the city, his dedication to strength and integrity through the respect others in the city displayed to his father's service and prowess, and his undeniable love for a good challenge from his father's hearty nature. However strong he was, Ikkaku's father was still only human, surrounded by a world of great danger and mystery. Ikkaku's memories are hazy of this time, blurred by feelings of loss, anger and regret, but at the age of eleven, a much larger threat than meager monster raids broke loose in Colvus one stormy night. A terrible creature of incredible power, with arms as big as boulders and legs that dwarfed the largest tree trunks, came charging in, running rampant through homes and fields. Ikkaku's father and the city's entire milita responded with all due force, only to be quickly and mercilessly defeated; their opponent was simply too strong, with skin so tough that their blades simply slid harmlessly away and gunfire left only bruises. Down to the very last man, they were all wiped as effortlessly as smoke in the breeze, leaving the city defenseless. When the city's leaders decided to depend on hired help for their salvation, the ill words that Ikkaku's father had used to describe the mercenaries he had worked alongside of before, lacking any loyalty to anything but money, were made most true: the threat was too great and the pay too small for them to be concerned. Not a single one agreed to help, leaving the people of Colvus to their own fate. From that point on, Ikkaku grew up without a family; in its wake, the creature that had destroyed the city's militia also destroyed his home, everything he had ever cared for, and his poor, terrified mother. It was only fortunate for the city that the beast responsible continued on its way, leaving nothing but charred wreckage behind for the beaten and battered citizens to struggle to rebuild. These events, strangely, did not leave Ikkaku bitter or callous towards the world; no, his father had taught him better than to act in such a poor, defeated manner. Though he was still young, he dedicated himself to growing even stronger than his father ever was, torturing his body through years of inhuman training and conditioning; he would rise up out of the smoldering remains of his home and one day become strong enough to defeat anything, great or small, that threatened his city. If his father had been defeated for having human limitations, he would not simply surpass these limits, but shatter them completely. As Ikkaku grew older, he helped to re-establish Colvus' militia, acting as the unbreakable backbone of the fighting soldiers. Naturally, he shunned a leadership role; he recognized that his place was among those on the front lines, fighting the battles instead of planning them. Ikkaku helped to train the other militia members as well, and during his personal training, developed newer and more devastating forms and techniques of combat. As he grew in strength and reputation, he was given the nickname of Colvus' 'Crushing Blade' due to the massive weapons he wielded. There was never again an uprising of monsters or any threat, no matter how strong or numerous, that could ever hope to overpower the bold and proud fighting force that he had helped to create. It was a situation that was good for Colvus, but rather boring for someone as battle-crazed as Ikkaku. Years later, Ikkaku encountered Alex Rowe, captain of the strange and unseemly warship, the Silvana; it was during this chance meeting, in which Captain Rowe had come through Colvus' to pursue an objective handed down by his benefactor, that Ikkaku learned of Alex's cause. While he did not share the same views in chasing after the windmills of a shadowy figure and a mysterious organization with no real founding in the world, Ikkaku could certainly appreciate the man's goals, his strength, his dedication, and perhaps even a little bit of his insanity. He immediately offered his services, leaving behind his highly-trained and well-seasoned militia to cut through the skies in search of greater challenges and stronger foes.
Insert a little blurb about your character here.
  • Ikkaku Madarame, never far from an unfolding scene of combat and chaos, is one of The Silvana's premiere fighters, nearly matchless in terms of overall destructive power. Battle is the first thing on his mind in any situation; the bloodier, the better. He has no mind for the politics that the ship's captain often pursues, instead leaving the strategy to the strategists.
  • 250
  • Ikkaku Madarame, never far from an unfolding scene of combat and chaos, is one of The Silvana's premiere fighters, nearly matchless in terms of overall destructive power. Battle is the first thing on his mind in any situation; the bloodier, the better. He has no mind for the politics that the ship's captain often pursues, instead leaving the strategy to the strategists. __TOC__
  • Ikkaku Madarame (斑目 一角, Madarame Ikkaku ?) es el Teniente de la 11ª división al mando de Kenpachi Zaraki. A su vez es un gran amigo de Yumichika Ayasegawa, a quien conociera en el Rukongai años atrás junto a Yachiru Kusajishi y a su Capitán. Es oficialmente el primer Shinigami a quien Ichigo enfrenta en la serie cuando éste se disponía a rescatar a Rukia de su sentencia de muerte en la Sociedad de Almas.
  • Ikkaku Madarame (斑目一角, Madarame Ikkaku) to wicekapitan i były żołnierz 3. rangi w 11. Oddziale w Gotei 13. Jego kapitanem jest Kenpachi Zaraki.
  • Ikkaku Madarame (斑目 一角, Madarame Ikkaku) ist der Vizekommandant der 11. Kompanie unter der Leitung von Kenpachi Zaraki.
  • Ikkaku Madarame (斑目 一角), il cui nome vuol dire "Il Primo tra i Piantagrane" è uno dei personaggi della serie manga e anime Bleach di Tito Squadro, e più precisamente è l'Ufficiale di 3° Seggio dell'Undicesima Divisione del Gotei 13, sotto il comando della macchina da guerra umana Kenpachi Zaraki, di cui è stato il primo proselito e di cui è tuttora un fedelissimo. Nonostante sia un ottimo e impavido combattente e goda della stima del proprio capitano, deve subire l'immenso smacco di essere scavalcato di grado da una mocciosa coi capelli rosa solo perché questa è l'amichetta-GPS del capitano. Un ideogramma del suo nome vuol dire "uno", il suo migliore amico è l'unico omosessuale di tutta la truppa, ed è il primo ad avere l'onore da essere pestato da Fragolo al suo arrivo clandestino a Soul Society. Se ci aggiungiamo il fatto che milita nella Divisione 11 possiamo dire che il numero 1 sia ricorrente in lui, peccato che non sia il primo in nessuna classifica importante.
  • Ikkaku Madarame (斑目 一角, Madarame Ikkaku) is the lieutenant and former 3rd Seat officer in the 11th Division of the Gotei 13, under Captain Kenpachi Zaraki.
  • thumb|leftIkkaku Madarame je třetí člen 11. jednotky a jeho velitel je Kenpachi Zaraki. Ikkaku je plešatý a když mu to někdo řekne, velmi se rozzlobí. Sám o sobě říká, že jeho hlava je "vyholená", i když sám velmi dobře ví, že není. Na toto téma je velmi citlivý a každého, kdo to vzpomene, chce zbít. Od jeho hlavy se odráží světlo a dokonce se jednou stalo, že si ji členové 8. jednotky spletli s měsícem. Přes prsa má jizvu od Ichiga a červené značky při očích. Je o něm známo, že nenosí ponožky. Ikkaku je úplně stejný jako všichni členové 11. jednotky. Krutý a velký milovník boje. Avšak i přesto je velmi loajální a vždy poslouchá svého kapitána, kterého velmi obdivuje. Ikkaku a Kenpachi mají mnoho společných povahových rysů, proto chovají vůči sobě ohromný respekt. Vždy se usmívá, když bojuje, miluje boj a také za cenu života se snaží prodloužit boj jak nejvíce je jen možné. Preferuje bitvy jeden na jednoho. Vždy chodí na mise s Yumichikem a vzhledem k tomu, že on bojuje mnohem raději než Yumichika, bojuje vždy on a nikdy nezapomene Yumichikovi připomenout, že se do jeho bitvy nemá míchat. Neodpustil by mu to ani kdyby umíral a Yumichika by mu tím pádem zachránil život. Ikkaku je známý tím, že jako jeden z mála preferuje oslovování lidí jejich křestními jmény. Avšak jeho většinou oslovují příjmením. Je známo, že Ikkaku je jednou z mála postav, které preferují levou ruku. Umí si střídat meč z jedné ruky do druhé. Kromě něj jsou leváci ještě Shunsui Kyoraku, při kterém se Starrk vyjádřil, že útok jeho levou rukou je značně silnější než útok jeho pravačkou a Uryuu Ishida, který drží luk v pravé ruce a šípy střílí levou. Z jeho minulosti víme to, že byl vždy kamarád s Yumichikem. Chodili po Rukongai a hledali vhodných protivníků na bitvy. Jednou našli Kenpachiho a on Ikkaku porazil. Nechal ho naživu s tím, že kdyby ho zabil, nemohli by spolu bojovat příště. Ikkaku si ho od té doby velmi vážil a hledal ho. Když zjistil, že se stal kapitánem 11. jednotky, stal se Shinigamim a spolu s Yumichikem se k této jednotce přidali. Když se dostal do lidského světa, i přesto, že nemohl nosit u sebe meč, vzal si alespoň dřevěný. A když neměl kde spát, šli spát ke Keigovi, kde se do Ikkaku zamilovala jeho sestra. Zpočátku mu to vadilo a snažil se o to, aby o něj neměla zájem. Nakonec však zjistil, že vůbec není tak špatná a na další návštěvy se těší. Ikkaku je zvláštní tím, že při boji nepoužívá jen meč, ale dokonce i jeho pochvu. Meč drží v levé ruce a pochvu v pravé a útočí oběma. Dokáže si je při boji i střídat, čímž velmi mate protivníky. Na konci držadla má jakousi mastičku na rány, která zastaví krvácení. Ikkaku je sice třetí člen, ale ovládá Bankai. Je na kapitánské úrovni a svůj Bankai skrývá, protože nechce být kapitánem. On jen chce bojovat a zemřít pod Kenpachim. thumb|leftthumbJeho Zanpakuto se jmenuje Houzukimaru (prekl. ďábelské světlo) a Shikai se uvolňuje frází "nobiro" (prekl. narůst). Další fráze na uvolnění druhé části jeho Shikaie je "Saker" (prekl. rozděl se). Shikai se změní na dlouhé kopí s bodcem na konci a druhou frází se ohne a rozdělí. Když se Zanpakuto zhmotnily, Houzukimaru se nejvíce podobal opici. thumb|leftBankai se jmenuje Ryuumon Houzukimaru (prekl. dračí erb ďábelské světlo) a spočívá v tom, že se změní na jakési tři obrovské sekyry, spojené řetězem. Ikkaku však s nimi umí velmi lehce a dobře manipulovat. Speciální schopnost spočívá v drakovi na hlavní sekeře, který slouží jako měřítko. Ikkaku Bankai roztočil nad hlavou a když se drak zbarví celý červeně, Houzukimaru je v plné síle. Tento Bankai je však velmi křehký a Ikkaku ho nepoužívá pokud vysloveně nemusí.
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